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小学五年级第一学期英语期末试卷一、判断每组单词中划线部分的读音是否一致,可或“”(18) ( )1. A. about B. now C. know ( )2. A. early B. hear C. bear( )3. A. tree B. three C. train ( )4. A. watch B. after C. garden ( )5. A. teacher B. weather C. speak ( )6. A. bright B. like C. night二、将下面的单词,按类抄写在横线上(16) winter, sweater, the Summer Palace, engineer, skirt, shop, autumn, blouse, singer, spring, policeman, office1、衣物 2、职业 3、季节 4、场所 三、按要求写词。(16)1. reading(原形) 2.make(现在分词) 3. one (序数词) 4. he(宾语) 5. photo(复数) 6. old(反义词) 7. brushes(单数) 8. do not (缩写) 四、选择填空。(20)()1._anicesharpener.A.ThisB.ThisisC.Thiss()2._spellit?Yes,Ican.A.CanB.AreyouC.Canyou()3.Whatsyourname?_.A.ItsJiangHong.B.ThisisJiangHong.C.ImJiangHong.()4.Look_theanimals.A.inB.atC.to()5.Mybikeis_.A.blackB.ablackC.agreenandgrey()6._isyourfavouritecolour?A.WhatB.WhatsC.Whatcolour()7.Cleanthedesksandchairs,boysandgirls._.A.Thatsright.B.Thatsallright.C.Allright.()8.Canyouseetheplayhouseoverthere?Yes,_.A.IamB.IcanC.youare()9.Thats_mynewpurplepen.A.aB./C.is()10._,isthisyourbed?A.ExcusemeB.SeeyouC.Thankyou五、在第二栏中选出第一栏的应答语。(10)()1.Nicetomeetyou.A.No,itisnt.()2.Lookatthissharpener.B.Itsbrown.()3.WhatsthatinEnglish?C.Oh,hownice.()4.Isthisyourtoycar?D.Nicetomeetyou,too.()5.Whatcolourisyourbag?E.Itsapen.六、阅读短文,并回答问题。(20)Hello, I am Ben Green. I have a sister, Jane. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. They dont work on Saturdays and Sundays. They like cooking and watching TV, but Jane and I dont. We like reading and playing table tennis.1-Whats your name? -My name is .2. -Whats your sisters name? -Her name is .3. -Whats your fathers job? -He is a .4. -Whats your mothers job? -She is a .5. My father and mother like and .6. My sister and I like and .
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