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高考英语高中英语完形填空夹叙夹议及其解题技巧及练习题(含答案)一、高中英语完形填空夹叙夹议1完形填空AMan and His Word In a used furniture business, unlike new, you cannot orderstock (存货) from a catalogue. People call in, andyou have to go out and make an offer. You cant 1 what you dont have. my father wouldsay. When I was aged thirteen, my father lost his store 2 , a one-armed guy who could do morewith his one arm than many will do with two. With his manager gone, my fathercame to me. Will you come in while I go out to 3 the days calls until I find the 4 person? he asked. The store has tens of thousands of 5 . People like to bargain,he told me, So I dont 6 prices. You just have to know a range. He took me around. A quarter-horse motor you can sell 7 four dollars. For a refrigerator, depending onthe 8 , you can sell for thirty-five dollarsto sixty dollars. However, if it has a freezer that goes well, sell it foreighty dollars, in 9 condition, maybe one hundred dollars. Dishescome in with a houseful of furniture, and I dont even 10 them in when I give a price. You can sell themfor a cent to a dollar. Something really nice. Every day after 11 , I would ride to the store. Soonafter, I was writing up a sales slip(纸条)for an attractive plate when my fatherwalked in. I had asked a dollar and the guy did not 12 . I was very pleased. My father glanceddown at what I was doing, 13 to the customer and said, Yousure got a bargain today. My employee gave you the 14 and thats the price. Afterward, I asked my father, what was that all about? It turned out that it was an antique plate, worth a fewhundred dollars. I was 15 . Here I was 16 to help my father in the business but insteadI was losing money for him. He said, I couldve 17 the sales if Id wanted to. You were justwriting up the slip and hadnt yet taken the money. Besides, by civil law, youreunder 18 . But, a man stands by his word and theword of his 19 . The deal cost my father a small amount of money, but Ilearned a 20 lesson in integrity(正直).1. A. buyB. sellC. orderD. store2. A. salesmanB. friendC. bossD. manager3. A. askB. returnC. answerD. buy4. A. ableB. honestC. rightD. hardworking5. A. itemsB. customersC. platesD. instruments6. A. raiseB. decideC. createD. mark7. A. forB. withC. onD. in8. A. priceB. situationC. conditionD. quantity9. A. ordinaryB. unexpectedC. specialD. excellent10. A. bringB. callC. figureD. force11. A. schoolB. workC. studyD. play12. A. speakB. buyC. enterD. hesitate13. A. wentB. turnedC. spokeD. laughed14. A. plateB. giftC. priceD. money15. A. disappointedB. shockedC. anxiousD. desperate16. A. dreamingB. pretendingC. managingD. trying17. A. offeredB. encouragedC. stoppedD. continued18. A. ageB. tendencyC. payD. intelligence19. A. fatherB. salesmanC. valueD. ability20. A. lifelongB. colourfulC. painfulD. practical【答案】(1)B;(2)D;(3)C;(4)C;(5)A;(6)D;(7)A;(8)C;(9)D;(10)C;(11)A;(12)D;(13)B;(14)C;(15)B;(16)D;(17)C;(18)A;(19)B;(20)A; 【解析】分析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,作者在帮助父亲经营旧货市场商店时错卖了一件物品,使父亲少赚了一笔钱,父亲就此机会教育作者:一言既出驷马难追;人应该信守诺言。(1)考查动词。A. buy “买”; B. sell “卖” ; C. order “命令,订购”; D. store“储存”。根据常识,作者的父亲教作者:在旧货市场,没有的东西是不能销售的。故选B。(2)考查名词。A. salesman“销售员”; B. friend“朋友”; C. boss“老板”; D. manager“经历”。根据下文“With his manager gone” 可知,作者13岁时,父亲的商店经理去世了。故选D。(3)考查动词。A. ask “问”; B. return “归还,返回”;C. answer “回答”;D. buy“买”。根据上文“People call in and you have to go out and make an offer”可知旧货市场的交易规则是:顾客打电话,并和商家商量进行交易。可推知,由于原来的经理亡故,作者的父亲来干接电话的工作,需要找个人来干原来的经理的活。故选C。(4)考查形容词。句意:找到合适的替代原来的经理的人。A. able “有能力的”; B. honest “诚实的”; C. right “正确的,合适的”; D. hardworking“勤奋的”。故选C。(5)考查名词。A. items“物品,商品”; B. customers“顾客”; C. plates“盘子”; D. instruments乐器,工具”。根据下文“ a quarter-horse motor, a refrigerator ,a freezer”可知,商店里有很多商品。故选A。(6)考查动词。A. raise“举起”; B. decide “决定”; C. create“创造”; D. mark“标注”。根据下文可知,顾客爱讨价还价,所以作者的父亲没有标注价格。故选D。(7)考查介词。根据下文“ You can sell for forty-five dollars to sixty dollars”,可知选A。(8)考查名词。A. price“价格” ; B. situation “形势”; C. condition “条件”; D. quantity“数量”。根据第九个空后的condition可知。故选C。(9)考查形容。A. ordinary普通的”; B. unexpected“未预料到的”; C. special“特殊的”; D. excellent“优秀的,极佳的”。根据 空前后信息可知根据商品状况的好坏售价不同。故选D。(10)考查动词。句意:满屋子的家具,我甚至还没有说清楚有多少个盘子就给出了价格。A. bring“带来”; B. call “打电话。喊”; C. figure “估算” ; D. force“强迫”。故选C。(11)考查名词。A. school“学校”;B. work “工作”;C. study“研究,书房”; D. play“戏剧”。根据上文“ When I was aged thirteen”可以推知作者,放学后骑车去附近的店里。故选A。(12)考查动词。A. speak“说话”; B. buy “买”; C. enter “进入”; D. hesitate“犹豫”。根据 下文“It turned out that it was an ant
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