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8A Unit 4 Grammar1. Teaching aims By the end of the class, my students should be able to: 1)knowledge aims Learn how to give instructions Learn how to give advice2) ability aims Improve their communication skills in daily life3) Emotion aims Improve their interest in English learning2.Teaching focus &difficultyTeaching focus: learn to give instructions and adviceTeaching difficulty: improve their communication skills in daily life3.Teaching methods Inductive and deductive methods4.Teaching aids Smart, whiteboard, pens,textbook5. Teaching process Give instructions Step1: Lead in 1)Give some help to Andrew What did Andrews mother say when he painted the living room? She gave instruction. Andrew isnt good at DIY.( Put up a picture on the wall./ Dont hit the pipe./Paint the wall blue./Dont paint the cat.) (设计意图:加深学生对课文的熟悉程度,同时利用学生对课文的理解,引出祈使句的肯定形式和否定形式。教师提出问题,鼓励学生以最简短的句子进行回答,体会祈使句的用法。) (课件设计方法:以淡入的方式呈现问题,利用遮罩的方式将祈使句隐藏,然后根据学生的回答将祈使句一一呈现,并利用魔术笔的放大功能将祈使句的开头标注出来,引起学生的注意。) 2)Guessing game Its about the instructions in daily life. Picture1( Turn left!) Picture2( Turn right!) Picture3( Walk on the zebra crossing!) Picture4( Dont smoking!/No smoking!) Picture5( Dont play football!) Picture6(Dont park your car!/No parking!) Picture7(Dont eat!) Picture8(Dont pick the flowers!) Picture9(Go upstairs!) Picture10(Go downstairs!)(设计意图:激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂氛围)(课件设计方法:配上相关的图片,回答正确直接呈现答案。)Step2:Read and observePut up a picture! Dont paint the cat! Paint the wall blue! Dont hit the pipe! Turn left! Dont smoke! Turn right! Dont play football!Please go upstairs! Dont park your car!Walk on the zebra crossing! Dont pick the flowers!(设计意图:教师叫学生大声朗读以上句子,体会祈使句的肯定用法和否定形式。这样能够帮助学生从具体的语言环境中体会语法意义。) (课件设计方法:直接呈现以上的句子,肯定形式黑色字体,祈使句否定句以红色标注出否定成分。)Step3:Work out the rule How to give instructions?肯定 (Please) + Do sth. 否定 (Please) + Dont do sth.“ please” in the sentence can make an instruction more polite.(设计意图:教师抛出问题,通过归纳法帮助学生理解这一语法的用法)(课件设计方法:淡入问题,遮住语法要点,学生回答出取消遮罩) Step4:Activity 1) Exercise1. Jim, _ me a hand.(A) A. gives B. is giving C. will give D. give2. _ careful, Jenny! There is a tree in front of you. (C) A. Am B. / C. Be D. Was3. Lets _ our time. (A) A. not waste B. no wasting C. not to waste D. no waste4. _ higher, and you will see the house.(A) OK. A. If you stand B. To stand C. When you stand D. Stand5. Please _ do it.(B) A. he B. let him C. let he D. him6. _ let anyone open the door. (A) A. Dont B. Will C. Not D. No2) Discussion How to make cards (1)cut (5) try (2)write (6)dont give (3)draw (7)keep (4)write (设计意图:通过适当的联系,能够巩固已学的知识点,为接下来的学习奠定良好的基础。对于第一个活动,教师可以叫班级中基础一般的学生回答。第二个活动鼓励学生开口说,锻炼口语运用能力。)(课件设计方法:直接呈现选择题,以及单词提示) Give adviceStep1: Lead-in Will Andrew listen to our instructions? Maybe we should be more polite! Maybe we should give him some advice instead of giving instructions.(设计意图:激发学生学习兴趣,引起下一个知识点,过渡自然,教师抛出问题,学生思考,变被动学习为主动。(课件设计方法:直接呈现问题,答案给出注意标记重点advice) Step2:How to give advice肯定 should do sth had better do sth否定 should not do sht had better not do sth Tones: had better should (设计意图:采用演绎法,直接呈现语法知识点,锻炼学生的记忆能力)(课件设计方法:直接呈现)Step3: DIY advice 1.There are many useful books about DIY. You should/ had better buy some to learn more about it. 2.DIY is not easy. You should/had better join a DIY club to learn more about it. 3.Instructions are important. You should/had better not begin your work without reading them. 4.Scissors can be dangerous. You should/had better not play with them when you do DIY jobs. 5.Sometimes itll take time to do a DIY job. You should/ had better be patient. (设计意图:鼓励学生通过练习来提高语言运用的能力,教师鼓励学生将答案说出来。)(课件设计方法:直接呈现句子,将答案遮罩起来,回答后取消遮罩。)Step4: The differences between instructions and advice social status (社会地位) 1.people age personality 2.Situation(设计意图:帮助学生区分出建议和指示的不同,从而更好的加深语言的运用。教师让学生通过小讨论得出答案,从而加深记忆。)(课件设计方法:利用表格阴影将答案遮罩,回答争取,遮罩取消。)Step5: ActivityHave a interviewWhen we are in class,on the road or in the dining room, what should we do or not? in class1. Be quiet.2. Take notes.3. You had better listen to the teacher carefully.4.
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