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学科英语年级八单元Unit6时间主备教师课题Lesson 44 Say theWord课型新授课副备教师知识与 能力目 标:1 .Words and phrases 生词和短语:dictionary, understand, excellent, one more time2 .Key sentences 重点句子:Now you have it!You teacher can help you say and understand the words.过程与 方法目 标:Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to fluently pronounce the words difficult to say.Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to pronounce the words difficult to say.情感态 度与价 值观目标:学生通过形式多样、丰富多彩的活动,学习故事的内容,理解其内涵,激发学生自主合 作学习、运用英语进行体验学习的兴趣,培养学生学会欣赏他人、热爱他人的情感。教学目 的和要求:通过这首歌,帮助同学们学习如何读一些比较难读的英语单词。同时,让同学们讨论如 何更好地学习英语。教学重 点/难八、Get the students to learn about the method of pronouncing words difficult to say.教具 准备Audiotape, Flashcards, Powerpoint, Candles, Flowers教学过程修改建议Step I RevisionAsk some students to read their letters in class or exchange their letters to correct mistakes if there are some.Spend 3 minutes reviewing the important words, phrases and sentences of Lesson 43 and ask two or three students to recite this text.Step II Lead inLead the students to begin the new lesson.T: It is a nice day today, isn t it?S: Yes!T: Why not sing a song?S: OK.T: Well, let s sing the song No Matter What to begin our class.T: No Matter What is a nice song. It expresses our strong feelings to our friends. Today we will learn a new song Say the Word. You know, we always meet some words that are difficult to say. This song tells us how to read the difficult words fluently. Do you like it?S: Yes!T: I am sure you will like it; it can help you a lot in easily pronouncing difficult words.Step III SingingTeach the students to sing this song.T: First read the lyrics and make sure you understand the meaning of the songs.Give the students enough time to read the lyrics and walk around to give them a hand if they have some difficulties. After that play the tape for the students to listen to and try to follow it.T: Listen again and sing the song after the tape. T: Now let s sing the song together. T: Since you can sing this song. Let s divide our class ingroups. We will have a competition to see which group sings better.Step IV PracticingList three words to help the students to practice the way of pronouncing words.T: Say the Word is a good way to learn the words that are difficult to say. Look at the slide, there are 3 new words on it. Now practice these words by singing Say the Word.wonderful, terrific, excellent T: Please use it as often as possible to say the words in this way. It will help you a lot to learn to read English words.to twoStep V Homework1. Find some words that are difficult to say to read it by singing Say the Word.2. Preview Lesson 45 Keep Trying.3. Do exercises in the activity book.板书设计:1. Key words:4. Grammar e ercises:2. Main phrases:5. Summary:3. Language points:6. Homework:教学反思:
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