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Blue Marlin Management Group蓝枪鱼管理集团SOP-BMHSE蓝枪鱼HSE标准化流程OriginatorName/Date创建者/日期HRName /Date人力资源部/日期MD/GMName/Date执行董事/总经理/日期CEO/COOName/Date首席执行官/首席营运官/日期目录I简介 3II卫生政策 4III个人仪表及卫生 16IV吧台卫生与环境 21V厨房卫生与环境 23VI防火、防盗制度 30VII设备安全与操作 32 VIII员工宿舍管理条例 37 Hygiene and Safety: 卫生与安全 RISKS STAFF EXHIBITING UNHYGIENIC PRACTICES WILL INCREASE THE RISK OF FOOD POISONING AND HASTEN A DECLINE IN BUSINESS AND REPUTATION. 风险: 员工的不良卫生习惯会增加食物中毒的几率,使得公司生意和名誉受损。 Personal Habits 个人习惯 1)No smoking or use of any tobacco product in food handling areas. 2)No eating, drinking or chewing gums in food production line (handling areas). 3)No spitting. 4)No nail biting and licking fingers before wrapping paper. 5)No picking and scratching of nose. 6)No coughing and sneezing in front of food or beverage or customers when possible. 7)No touching or combing of hair or face in the Personal Habits 个人习惯 1)食物操作区域禁止吸烟或享用其它烟制品。 2)食品操作区域禁止偷吃,偷喝,偷拿及咀嚼口香糖。 3)禁止吐痰。 4)拆包装时,禁止咬指甲和蘸口水。 5)禁止挖鼻孔和挠鼻子。 6)禁止在食品、饮料及顾客面前咳嗽和擤鼻涕。 7)禁止在吧台内梳头、挠头及抓脸。 Hygiene Policy Number 1 卫生政策 1 Maintenance of Cutting Boards 砧板的保养 The surface of cutting boards will develop deep groves during normal use. These cuts are difficult to clean and sanitise. They provide a trap for bacteria to accumulate and possibly grow. The cuts in the surface of cutting boards need to be removed at regular intervals and as needed to keep the surface smooth. 在平时使用过切菜板后会有刀痕残存于其上,这些刀痕很难清洁干净,并且非常适合细菌生长,这些砧板需定期清洁并保持表面光滑 Hygiene Policy Number 2 卫生政策2 Hand Washing Policy 手部清洁政策: Risks 风险 Hands are one of the principle agents in transferring bacteria to food and handling should be reduced to the minimum. Proper hand washing is a critical protective measure against contamination and food borne illness. 手是使食物感染细菌的主要渠道,应尽量避免与食物接触。正确洗手是避免食物污染和导致食品疾病的有效方式。 Hand Washing Policy 手部清洁政策: 1)All employees must wash their hands and scrub their nails upon arriving for work. 2)All employees must wash their hands before handling food or drinks. 3)All employees must wash their hands at least every 30 minutes or after any of the following activities: Using the toilet Handling raw food Stocking or storing food items Handling garbage Leaving a high risk area such as dishwashing or handling ashtrays Returning from a break Hand Washing Policy 手部清洁政策: 1)所有厨房员工应在开始厨房工作前洗手及清洁指甲。 2)所有厨房员工应在接触食物前洗手。 3)所有厨房员工应至少每隔30分钟或在以下情况下洗手。 上厕所后 接触生食物后 存放食物后 接触垃圾后 离开高风险地区如肉类加工房, 饼房,寿司或生鱼片 休息后 Hand Washing Procedures 洗手步骤: Use warm water 使用温水 Wet your hand 打湿双手 Get a small amount of soap 取少量肥皂 Rub hands together for 20 seconds 来回搓擦20秒 Brush hands and fingernails擦洗手指缝及指甲 Rinse with warm water 用温水冲洗 Dry with paper towel or dryer 用纸巾或烘干机擦干 Put on the sanitizer gel (if any) 可能的话使用消毒杀菌剂 Hygiene Policy 3 卫生政策3 Bar Equipment Hygiene and Storage 吧台设备卫生及存储 Risks风险: Bacteria can be transferred through a vehicle of contamination. People, animals, equipment and utensils are the most usual vehicles of contamination. 细菌依靠一些污染工具进行传播。例如人、动物、仪器和器皿就是这些最常见的污染工具 Bar Equipment Hygiene and Storage 吧台设备卫生及存储 Knife Hygiene 刀具卫生 1)Knife should be washed and sanitized at the beginning and at the end of the shift. 在工作前和工作后,应把刀具清洗和消毒。 2)During the shift, knife must be washed and sanitized before and after each task在工作时刀具必须在每件工作前和后,进行清洗和消毒。 Bar Equipment Hygiene and Storage 吧台设备卫生及存储 Bottle Pourers and all Bar Equipments Hygiene 酒嘴及所有吧台设备的卫生 Risks 风险 Equipment cleanliness is one of the most important aspects of food safety. They must be well maintained and in sanitary condition to prevent microbial and physical contaminations. 器材的清洁是食物安全的重要条件。它们必须保持良好操作和时常保持在清洁卫生的状况,以避免由细菌引起和物理性的污染。 Can Opener Policy罐头刀政策 1)Can opener is only for opening tin cans. 罐头刀只可作开罐头用途。 2)Can opener is to be kept clean and sanitary at all times. 时常保持罐头刀清洁和卫生 3)Bar employee must clean and sanitize the can openers blade and mount after each use. 每次使用后,吧台员工必须清洁和消毒罐头刀锋和框架。 Can Opener Cleaning Procedures 罐头刀清洁程序: 1) Lift up can-opener from steel plate. 将罐头刀从框架取出。 2) Wash blade with detergent solution using a bristle brush to clean. 用硬毛刷和清洁剂清洁刀锋。 3) Rinse detergent away with warm water. 用温水冲去清洁剂。 4) Spray sanitizer on blade. 在刀锋喷上消毒剂。 5) Return can opener
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