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吸血鬼日记第三季 第3集Whether suicide or a tragic accident? 不论是自杀事件还是一场不幸的意外 WKPW news has lost one of its shining stars.总之WKPW新闻台失去了一位闪耀之星Daily reporter and weekend anchor.每日新闻以及周末新闻主播 Andie Star was discovered 安迪斯达被发现于Just cant stay away,can you? 你就非得缠着我 是吗?DYouve been dodging my calls.你一直不接我电话。EYeah, well,busy dating a dead fake girlfriend and all.没办法啊 我不是得跟那个摔死的假冒女朋友约会什么的嘛DWhy didnt you tell me?为什么不告诉我EHappy birthday,Elena, Stefan killed Andie. 生日快乐 埃琳娜 斯特凡杀了安迪 cake? 切蛋糕?DHe called me,Damon. 他给我打电话了 达蒙 E What?Stenfen called me last night.EWhat did he say? He didnt say anything,but it was him. 他什么都没说 但的确是他I asked sheriff Forbes if she would trace the calls origin.我找福布斯警长看能不能 查到电话哪打来的。It came from Tennessee.是从田纳西州打来的。EWhere hes bringe drinking on the country folk. 也就是他在豪饮村民的地方。We went through this,Elena 我们讨论过了 埃琳娜 Stenfens gone.I dont mean geographically. 心也不在了DIf he was gone, he wouldnt have called.如果他真的离开 就不会打电话 EGo away , DamonNot who I expected.我以为是别人I need you to tell me what you know about Stenfen and Tennessee.你把关于斯特凡在田纳西州的事全都告诉我 Did you miss the part where I checked out of all this? 你该不会是忘了我已经撒手不管了Come on, Ric. Whatever Damon knows,you know. 拜托了 里克 达蒙知道的 你也知道Ask damonYeah, but Damons not exactly in the mood to help right now.可是达蒙现在根本就没心情帮忙For good reason.他是为了你好Because its not safe for you. 因为这对你太危险Stenfens off the rails. 斯特凡已经失常了Yeah, but hes still holding on to his humanity. 没错 可他仍然人性未泯Which means he can still be saved. 这说明他还有的救And why do you have to be the one to save him? 为什么你就非得去救他Because Im not the kind of person who checks out. 因为我不是那种会撒手的人Look, he would never give up on me. 他永远不会放弃我Im not gonna give up on him. 我也不会放弃他Tell me what you know.R ic.告诉我你知道的一切 里克 Please 求你了Theyve been tracking weewolves. 他们一直在追踪狼人He and Klaus all over the eastern seaboard. 他和克劳斯 追遍了整个东海岸We thought we hadem just outside of Memphis. 我们以为能在孟菲斯附近找到他们You ok? Is Ray getting heavy? 你还好吗 雷越来越重了 KIm fine. SYou sure about that? 你确定吗?You know, weve been walking for quite some time now.我们可走了很久了 KIf you need some water or a little sit-down 如果你需要喝水或小坐一下。 kYou know, I get that were, uhwere stuck together, 我明白 我们。 我们现在是一伙的了But if we could maybe just skip the chitchat, 但是如果我们之间不那么客套的话 its great.So much brooding. 你太抑郁寡欢了Your self-loathing is suffocating you ,my friend. 朋友 你对自己的厌恶让你憋得难受 KMaybe its cause Im a little tried of hunting werewolves. 是我觉得追杀狼人有点乏味而已Weve been at it all summer. 我们一夏天都在捉狼人Thanks to our pal Ray, we found ourselves a pack. 多亏了我们的朋友雷 总算是找到一群 There 看呐 whats going on ? who are you ?The important question is who am I. 你应该问我是谁Please forgive the intrusion . 抱歉打扰各位了Youre the hybrid. 你是那个混血儿Youve heard of me. Fantastic. 原来你听说过我 太好了Rough night? 晚上加班了?Uh,rough,week,Im a little stressed. You? 这周都很忙 小有压力 你怎么样Feeling pretty good You know, if youre going to bring a girl home, Iwish shed have the tact to not sneak out like prostitute要知道 如果你准备带女孩来家里 我希望她别像妓女一样She snuck out? 她昨晚溜走了吗?I think the creams bad. 奶油好像变质了Dont wait up tonight. 晚上别等我了Shes not a prostitute. 她可不是什么妓女Ive gotten myself . 我现在有麻烦 into a bit of a vampire situation. 与吸血鬼有关Please tell me youre not turning into one of these losers. 你不是沦落到这种地步了吧That hangs out work on hs day off. 放假了没人要 只能来店里混You remember what we talked about last night. 还记得我昨晚跟你说的吗?How Ive been seeing things? 我一直看到一些东西 Honestly , Jer, last night is kind of a blur. 说实话 杰里米 昨晚的事有点记不清了 Well , I saw again. I saw Vicki. 我又看见她了 我看见薇棘Why are youwhy are you telling me this? 你为什么。为什么跟我说这些Youre dating a witch. Why dont you tell her? 你泡了个巫女 干嘛不跟她说说 Tell Bonnie that she brought me back to life and now Im seeing my dead girlfriend?告诉邦妮 他让我起死回生 结果我却和死去的前女友人鬼情未了吗? 让爱转出去 Having a little car trouble? 车子坏了吗?Thats keen observation. 观察力真敏锐I can help you. 我可以帮你You want me to drive home in you car? 你要我开你的车回家?I want you to take my car. 是把车送给你Ive had a lot of luck lately. I dont need it. 我最近运气不错 不需要了Youre giving me a new Jaguar and you dont want anything? 你送我一辆新的积架 却不用任何回馈?I can prove it. Give me your card. 我可证明,给我一张你的名片Ill be in touch. 我会再跟你联系What, you want me to kill your wife or something ? 喂, 你要我杀了你老婆或我什么事吗?No, tempting, but , no. 我很心动,但不必了 Call it generosity between two strangers. 就当是陌生人之间的慷慨回赠You expect me to drive home in a new Jaguar? 你要我把新的积家开回家?Thats right . youre a freak! 没错 你是个疯子!You want me to get in this car ? No way! Itll probably blow up. 你要我开这辆车? 才不嘞!他可能会爆炸Thats reel funny, bits and pieces of me raining down in the street! 真好笑,我会被砸成碎片暴尸街头You think Im going near that thing , youre nuts! 你以为我会接近它 ,你疯了!Besides, I got a car. 而且,我自己有车 Sort of. 勉强算是Apparently. None of you have ever seen a new teacher before. 很显然地,你们都没看过新老师Welcome to the seventh grade. 欢迎升上七年级Middle school, that hellish, shaky bridge you all must cross 初中,是
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