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有参考素材的、话题贴近校园生活的模拟练习题 1. Mental Health for College Students.Serious situation in mental health for college studentsSinglechild family, selfcentered mentalityLack of communicative skillsNot enough emphasis on mental health of college studentsTeacherstudent relationship very looseNegative Impact of Divorce FamilySocial economic transformationEfforts from the government/ families/communitiesConstructive measures consultation from expertsHelping others is helping oneselfStress modesty and constructive solutions overcome bad habits Change position with each other2. Conservationminded Society(节约型社会) and Viable Solutionsearth facing crisis in natural resourceswater and forest resources facing crucial test with rapid materialistic developmentmany wars fought for resourcessustainable and peaceful development the only way outrelated technology: new energy, water treatment technology,legislationprice lever regulationinternational cooperationraise public awareness (sense of crisis)think for our future and posteritiesrational development and exploitation3. High Tuition Fees in Universities and Possible SolutionsAwkward situation of university tuition feesMarketization influence, competitionPeoples growing need for higher educationmore scholarshipsstudent loans, bank support/creditregulations and government legislation for reasonable charging standardtuition reduction and exemption for excellent/merit students and extremely poor studentsoffer parttime jobs/teaching assistance/social practice4. Chosen Unemployment: High Expectations Vs. Reality for Fresh College GraduatesFewer jobs for more fresh graduateshigh expectations from fresh graduatesinability to cope with complicated situationfear of hard worksubconsciously hope for quick successlow tolerance for failureexcessive enthusiasm for material wealthneglect of mental balanceoverestimation of oneselfslave of desireslack of patience and concentration necessary for any worthwhile successMake rational analysis of oneself and make adjustmentOvercome poisonous vanityundertake social commitment/responsibilityright timing and schedule and correct measures for intended success5. Which should receive priority in China, economic growth or environmental protection?Air, water pollution, running out of many natural resources penny wise and pound foolish development first and treatment afterwards no more applicable disappearing of tropical rain forests frequent visits of natural disasters caused by human activities global warming Development? or suffering indeed? Tap water utilization Green industry Public awareness (media efforts) Governmental regulations Higher charges urban High-tech: New dripping irrigation in agriculture Industrial efforts Specific legislation Afforestation Garbage treatment6. Job-oriented Education for College Students. job-oriented education important focus now previous shortcomings of higher education customized/precision education more preferred competition pressure down-to-earth educational practice update educators knowledge in scope and depth learn from advanced experience of western countries stress on and priority for disciplines of global concern bright prospect for environmental series of disciplines 7. Should Students Wear the school Uniform ? for:1. School uniform is identification for students. It is a respect to the school. A uniform represents the school. A person wearing a set of uniform represents that he/she is a student.2. Wearing uniform can show the tidiness and discipline of the school, decrease discrimination among peers. 3. Further more, school uniform can keep out some unnecessary disturbance on students studies. It can save the students time on choosing what to wear to school. 4. School is a place for study, not a place for fashion. Students should concentrate on their study but not their clothes. 5. Uniform can lower some unnecessary problems. Students will not compare themselves on the brands or styles of their casual clothes. Every student is fair in the school no matter how they are different in background.6. Uniforms help to create a strong sense of belonging to a particular community.7. Also, uniforms give students a good team spirit. They make students feel united because they wear all the same things. 8. Lots of people are trying to copy some starsstyle of clothing, even students do it too, but some stars clothing is always inappropriate for students to wear. Wearing uniform can avoid it.9. By having everyone wear the same uniform, students are easily identified. For example, when on an excursion, if someone gets lost, they can be easily recognized and can find their group by their distinctive uniforms. This helps the teachers and the school to control and look after the students.Against: 1. There should be more freedom for students t
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