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本科学生毕业设计太原某师范学院集中供热热水网路设计院系名称: 土木与建筑工程学院 专业班级: 建筑环境与设备工程11-1班学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 副教授 黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院二一五年六月The Graduation Design for Bachelors DegreeThe Design of Central Heating and hot water network in a Normal University in TaiyuanDepartment:School of Civil and Architectural Engineering Specialty:Architectural Environment andEquipment EngineeringClass: 11-1 Candidate: Advisor: Academic title:Associate ProfessorHeilongjiang Institute of Technology2015-06Harbin摘 要伴随科技的飞速发展和人们对生活舒适意识的不断改变,我们建筑环境与设备工程专业面临的挑战也在升高。在绿色环保节能的基础上人性化、智能化的超舒适性生活环境日益成为建环的发展新方向。当然下层基础决定上层建筑,实现更高的水平就应该从基础内容开始。集中供热系统相对于以前的分散式供热系统具有热源容量大、热效率高、节约劳动力和占地面积小等优点,成为目前国内迅速发展的城市供热方式1,较为公认的集中供热系统是由热源、热网、热用户三部分组成。本设计为太原某师范学院集中供热热水网路设计。所以设计内容由这三个部分展开。热源:一级网为市政供水;二级网为热力站。热网:一级网为管沟枝状形式;二级网为直埋枝状形式。热用户:以学校教室、宿舍、办公室、实验室等,且为中低层建筑。当前乃至以后,能源紧缺将是制约我国经济发展的重要因素,并已被公认为是全世界普遍性的问题。供热工程设计应该从开源节流的角度出发,因地制宜地确定综合利用能源的供热方案。与此同时结合我国的特殊国情,应充分考虑建设资金短缺等实际困难,在确定设计方案时力求降低造价,做到“物美价廉”。关键词:热负荷;集中供热;水力计算;运行调节;补偿器;保温;MathcadAbstractWith the rapid development of science and technology and the changing of peoples life comfort consciousness, the challenge of building environment and equipment engineering is also increasing. In the green energy saving and energy saving, the humanity and the intelligent comfort living environment is becoming the new direction of the HVAC development. Of course, the lower base determines the superstructure, the higher level should start from the basic content.Centralized heating system has the advantages of large heat capacity, high heat efficiency, saving labor force and covers an area of small, etc. compared with the previous decentralized heating system, become the current rapid development of domestic urban heating mode, is recognized as the central heating system is heating heating net, customers, and is composed of three parts. The design of the central heating and hot water network design for a normal university in Taiyuan. So the design content is started by the three parts. Heat source: the first grade net is the municipal water supply; the two grade net is the thermal station. Heat network: first grade network for municipal water supply; the two level network for directly buried installation. Hot user: for school classrooms, dormitories, offices, laboratories, etc., and for the middle and lower buildings.At present, the energy shortage will be the important factor that restrict the economic development of our country, and has been recognized as the universal problem of the whole world. Heating engineering design should start from the point of view to determine the broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure, the comprehensive utilization scheme of suit ones measures to local conditions of heating energy. At the same time, combined with the special situation of our country, we should take full consideration of the practical difficulties such as the shortage of construction funds, In determining the design makes every effort to reduce the cost, to achieve “high quality and inexpensive” .Keywords: heat load, central heating, hydraulic calculation, operation adjustment, compensator, heat preservation, Mathcad目 录摘要IAbstractII第1章 绪 论11.1概述11.2 设计目的及意义11.2.1 设计目的11.2.2 设计意义11.3 自然地理概况21.4 工程概况2第2章 热负荷32.1 热负荷统计原理32.2 热负荷计算方法32.3 热负荷延续时间图42.3.1 热负荷延续时间图的意义42.3.2 热负荷延续时间图的原理42.3.3 热负荷延续时间图的绘制52.4 本章小结6第3章 供热方案73.1 热力管道系统及选择73.1.1 热力管道系统的分类73.1.2 热力管道系统的选择73.2 热力管道系统的布置与敷设83.2.1 热力管道系统的布置方式83.2.2 热力管道系统的敷设原则93.2.3 热力管道系统的材料及连接93.2.4 热力管道系统的附件与设施93.3 热源103.4 本章小结10第4章 水力计算114.1 水力计算的任务114.2 水力计算的原理114.3 水力计算的实例134.3.1 一级网水力计算实例134.3.2 二级网水力计算实例164.4 水压图184.4.1 水压图的作用184.4.2 水压图绘制满足的基本技术要求194.4.3 水压图绘制实例194.5 本章小结21第5章 水力工况225.1 水力工况基本原理225.1.1 管网特性曲线225.1.2 循环水泵流量-扬程特性曲线及其方程235.2 水力工况的分析与计算235.2.1 管网特性曲线的确定235.2.2 循环水泵的性能曲线的确定。245.2.3 水泵与管网联合特性曲线255.3 水力工况的稳定性265.4 本章小结26第6章 运行调节276.1 运行调节形式276.2 运行调节原理276.3 运行调节实例296.4 本章小结30第7章 管道热补偿及应力计算317.1 热补偿317.1.1 热补偿设计原则317.1.2 热伸长量的计算317.1.3 补偿器选型317.2 管道应力计算327.2.1 管道理论壁厚计算327.2.2 热力管道固定支吊架间距327.2.3 活动支架计算间距337.3 本章小结33第8章 换热站348.1 换热站简述348.2 换热站设计原则358.3 换热站布置要求358.4 本章小结35第9章 设备及附件选型369.1 换热器369.2 热网循环水泵379.3 补给水泵389.4 补给水箱399.5 综合水处理器409.6 除污器419.7 本章小结41第10章 管道的保温及防腐4210.1 管道的保温及防腐的原则4210.2 管道的保温及防腐的计算4210.2.1 保温层厚度计算4210.2.2 散热损失计算4310.2.3 管道防腐4410.3 本章小结44结论45参考文献46致谢48附录1 小区采暖热负荷统计49附录2 水力计算表格53附录3 水泵样本60附录4 套筒补偿器规格表63附录5 板式换热器样本64第1章 绪 论1.1概述中国社会进入小康水平之后,温饱问题“不知不觉”的就解决了。这样人们的注意力顺其自然地转移到对居住环境的改善。对环境的控制取决于四个主要因素:温度、湿度、空气洁净度和空气流速。对于北方广大地区来说温度的改变是至关
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