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模仿写作中常用的词组、句子和篇章(Pine Gu 20020408)词 组许多的 . 大量的 . many: a good number of/good numbers of a great many a lot of a good quantity ofmuch: a good amount of a good deal of a lot of a good quantity ofgood - great big large huge vast enormous considerable surprising shocking astonishing amazing各种各样的 . 多种各样的 . all kinds of different kinds of various sorts of various a variety of 愈来愈多的 . 愈来愈少的 . more and more: an increasing number/amount ofless and less: a decreasing number/amount of一系列的. a series of a sequence of 大约. about around some approximately超过. more than over 多达. up to no less than as many as as much as诸如此类 ., and so on. ., and so forth.大多数. most the majority of极少数. few the minority of随着 .With the development of economy, SV. (As economy develops, SV.)With the rise of the food prices, SV.With the improvement of life, SV.With the increase/growth of population, SV.必须.must V have to V have no choice but to V be forced /compelled/demanded / required to V通过.by by means of through with the help/use of 好好利用.make good/full use of take good / full advantage of 根本不.It is not advisable at all that SV.It is far from necessary to .It is by no means possible that SV.目的在于 in order to SV in order that SV so as to SV so that SV.在. 方面很重要be very important/of great importance in the fields/areas of .play a greatly important role/part in .实施. 应用.carry out put/bring/get . into force/effect/use/operation . come into force/effect/use/operation重视. 忽视.pay great attention to lay much emphasis on take . into good/little consideration/account care much about attend closely to pay no/little/hardly any attention to neglectA导致B; 把A归因(功)于BA result in B. (bring about lead to give rise to cause be the cause of produce create be regarded as the result of )B result from A. (stem from come from arise from be brought about by be created by be produced by be the result of be caused by)attribute A (success) to B (hard work)A 构成B; B由A组成A make up B. A compose B.B be made up of A.(be composed of consist of comprise)A对B非常有益A benefit B greatly/a lot. A be very beneficial to B.B benefit a lot from A.数量变化a minimal/slight/small/gradual/steady/great/rapid/sharp/sudden/shocking rise/increase/growth/decrease/decline/reduction/fall/drop in the production/population/quantity/number of . 缺乏lack sth.(!没有be lack of形式) ; for/through lack of sth.句 子It is hard to imagine what life would be like without water. Water is very important. Water is essential to us human beings.The importance of efficiency is now being realized by many people. Much attention has been paid to the importance of efficiency. Many people are now realizing the importance of efficiency. Many people have realized the importance of efficiency.It is of great importance for a developing country to be independent of any superpowers. Quite importantly, a developing country should be independent of any superpowers. A developing country should recognize the importance of being independent of any superpowers. It is greatly important that a developing country should be independent of any superpowers.It is common sense that man could not live without water. It is common knowledge that man could not live without water. It is well known that man could not live without water. It is no doubt that man could not live without water. It is a fact that man could not live without water. It is known to all that man could not live without water. As we know, man could not live without water. As is known to all, man could not live without water. As can be seen from the graph, SV. As we can learn from the picture, SV.The world is faced with the problem of traffic accident.The question we are discussing now is where sufficient water can be found.There are some reasons why roses can not grow in this soil.There are mainly three reasons/causes for the increase of population.It is to be hoped that he will pass the exam. We hope that he will pass the exam.I wish that there would appear more and more books about network.It will not be long before the coming of video telephone.The time will surely come when weather forecasts are 100% accurate.So strange are his thoughts that few people can understand him. His thoughts are so strange that few people can understand him. His thoughts are strange, so that/ with the result that few people can understand him. He expressed his thoughts clearly so that/ in order that people could understand him. He stands on the top of the hill, so that he can see the whole city.Only recently have they realized the importance of English.Only in this way can we pass the exam.Only through much
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