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全国英语导游人员资格考试模拟题2I. Listening Comprehension (10 points)omittedII. Grammar and Vocabulary (20 points) Directions: This part contains 20 incomplete sentences, beneath each of which are four choices, marked A, B, C and D. You are to make ONE choice that can best complete the sentence.16. He said he would be forever grateful to you. , he wouldnt have studied at Yale.a. If it werent for you b. Hadnt it been for youc. If it had been for you d. Were it for you17. All flights because of the storm, they decided to take the train.a. having canceled b. were canceledc. having been canceled d. have been canceled18. Dont be absurd. There are no ghost existing anywhere in the world.a. such a thing as a b. such thing asc. such the things as d. such a thing as19. we have all the materials ready, we should begin the new task at once.a. Since that b. Since now c. By now d. Now that20. I am not a very particular tourist. is just a smile from that tour guide who always pulls a long face.a. All that is needed b. All what is neededc. That all is needed d. What all is needed21. He always feels to others; however, he is virtually looked down upon by all the others.a. inferior b. superior c. junior d. senior22. We learn pronunciation long before we start learning to read and write, and in our early days we on unconsciously imitating those around us.a. went b. were going c. go d. have been going23. We were deeply impressed by the speakers insight the importance of tourism in national economy.a. of b. about c. for d. into24. Having been taken to the scenic resort, .a. the tour guide offered the tourists detailed introduction to the placeb. the tourists were immediately fascinated be the beauty of the placec. the place attracted the tourists at onced. it took the tourists by surprise25. The tour guide looked the visitor the eye and said, “We dont take tips.”a. at b. for c. in d. on26. mainly for the invention of telephone, Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life to helping the deaf.a. Though remembered b. Remembered c. To remember d. While remembering27. Some of the deaf came from Australia. How about ?a. another b. others c. the left d. the rest28. While crossing the mountain areas, all the men had guns for protection lest they by the bandits.a. were attacked b. would be attacked c. should be attacked d. might be attacked29. We thought shed come just for a visit, but it seems she is staying .a. for good b. for long c. for long time d. for another time30. The travel agency promised to do was in its ability to help the tourists.a. all b. what c. that d. which31. These women believe that it is their husbands business to make money and to spend it.a. they b. theirs c. them d. their32. The tour guide was doing his best to have his guest accommodated in the time.a. possible shortest b. possibly shortest c. shortest possible d. shortest possibly33. Upon hearing the news of his sons death, the old woman turned pale but remained .a. calm b. still c. well d. quiet34. After a moments , the tourist went into the cave.a. suspense b. hesitation c. postponement d. delay35. the direction of the local guide, the visitors went to their rooms respectively.a. Below b. Beneath c. Underneath d. UnderIII. Reading Comprehension (15 points) Directions: In this part, you will read three passages. Each passage is followed ny five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices, marked A, B, C and D. You are to make ONE choice that can best either answer the question or complete the statement.ATheir culture has caused most Americans to assume not only that their language is universal but that the gestures they use are understood by everyone. They do not realize that waving good-bye is the way to summon a person from the Philippines to ones side, or that in Italy and some Latin-American countries, curling the finger to oneself is a sign of farewell.Those private citizens who sent packages to their troops occupying Germany after World War II and marked them GIFT to escape duty payments did not bother to find out that “Gift” means poison in German. Moreover, they like to think of themselves as friendly, yet they prefer to be at least 3 feet or an arms length away from others. Latins and Middle Easterners like to come closer and touch, which makes Americans uncomfortable.Their linguistic and cultural blindness and the casualness with which they take notice of the developed tastes, gestures, custom
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