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2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、Hi, Bob! I cant find my story book. Have you seen it?Sorry, I havent. Why not ask Jim? Perhaps hes seen it _.AanywhereBeverywhereCnowhereDsomewhere2、_ the time I got home, my mother had already gone to sleep.AAtBSinceCForDBy3、The concert will begin soon. so Christina _ the other children _ busy getting everything ready.Aand; isBas well as; areCwith; areDand; are4、Why dont you like winter in Beijing?Because it is _ winter in Guangzhou.Aas cold asBmuch colder thanCnot so clod asDnot colder than5、 I _ a lot of time playing computer games every day. Thats bad for your eyes.AspendBtakeCpayDcost6、 Henry cheated (作弊)in the Maths exam. I know. Now he has been aware of his mistake.Ahas foundBhas realizedChas corrected7、Elvis Presley was famous the king of rock and roll (摇滚)while Bruce Lee was famous his kung fu.Afor; forBas; asCfor; asDas; for8、_ wants to go to the park this weekend, raise your hands, please.AAnyone whoBThose whoCAnyoneDWho9、- _ _. - Quite good.AWhat kind of books do you like best?BWhat do you think of this suggestion?CHow do you do?DWhy do you come back late these days?10、Peter fell off his bike this morning, and his knees were hurt _.AquietlyBslowlyCcarefullyDbadly. 完形填空11、Yesterday my husband and I walked into a “ What a Burger” for lunch. As we were sitting waiting for our 1 to come, I noticed an older man in a wheelchair roll himself over to a table.He was all by himself and he 2 there for a few minutes, looking around , smiling all the time. No one seemed to notice him 3 me. I got up and went over to his 4 and asked if I could get him something to 5 .He smiled and said , “ Oh yes! And thank you kindly. Id like some beer please.”When I brought him his beer , I told him my 6 and ask him to 7 if he needed anything else.We were in the “What a Burger” for a good hour. The man just 8 smiling at everyone and looking around the restaurant as he 9 ate his hamburger and fries.As we were getting ready to 10 , I wanted to refill our glasses and , as I walked by the mans table, I asked if he would like a refill 11 we left.Again , with a big 12 , he said,” Yes, please!”When I brought it back to him, he told me that he just loved beer and the hamburgers here. I told him I did too. He told me I had made him 13 by coming over, talking to him, and 14 him out. I gave him a hug and told him he had made my day too! As I was turning to leave ,he told me to have a blessed day. I smiled and said I would and wished him to have 15 ,too.I hope he made his way back home safely.1Aticket Bchange Corder Dpicture2Asat Bstood Clay Drested3Alike Bbut Cas Dwith4Acar Broom Ctable Dgrade5Awatch Bfollow Cdrink Dread6Aplan Bhouse Cplace Dname7Awave Bstop Cstay Dshout8Aforgot Bkept Cfinished Dremembered9Acarefully Bseriously Cquietly Dfinally10Aleave Banswer Crefuse Dreturn11Aafter Buntil Cbefore Dwhile12Asmile Bthought Cvoice Dstyle13Anervous Bhappy Cpeaceful Dsad14Ataking Bsending Chelping Dbringing15Athat Bit Cthis Done. 语法填空12、I love my family very much. It was the 1 (28) of March. My husband was 2 (enjoy) the day off from work and watching me scurry(疾走) about the house. I picked 3 his dirty clothes, put away his work shoes, carried out his popcorn bowl which was 4 (use) for nights football watching, washed the breakfast dishes, wiped the coffee hed spilled and ironed his shirts. It seemed that everything was 5 unnecessary thing he created for me.I found that he was thinking 6 (careful). I wondered 7 he was beginning to realize how 8 (importance) I was for him. Maybe he would offer to help. “I will give you a penny if you tell me what you have thought about.” I said.“I was thinking,” he replied, “that one of the 9 (thing) I like best about you is how you always find ways to keep 10 (you) busy.”. 阅读理解A13、The first chocolate was eaten by people in South America hundreds years ago. In those days, the people didnt really eat chocolate. They used the coca bean(可可豆) to make a chocolate drink and they enjoyed it very much. Many years later, the coca bean was brought to other countries and people came to love the taste of chocolate.In 1824, John Cadbury opened a small shop in British. One of the things he sold was chocolate d
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