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地文航海1、_ is a defined area within which ships must use particular caution and should follow the recommended direction of traffic flowARecommended Direction of Traffic FlowBRoundaboutCSeparation Zone or LineDPrecautionary Area2、_ is a circular traffic lane used at junctions of several routes,within which traffic moves counterclockwise around a separation point or zoneATraffic Lane BRoundaboutCInshore Traffic Zone DTwo-way Route3、_ is not likely to be a methods of Traffic SeparationASeparation of opposing streams of traffic by separation zones or linesBThe separation of through traffic from local traffic by provision of inshore traffic zonesCDivision of traffic from several different direction into sectorsDControl of routing traffic through shipping routes4、_ means the curve on the earths surface which cuts all the meridians at the same angleAGreat Circle BPosition LineCRhumb line DTrue Bearing5、A buoy having red and green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of _AInterrupted quick flashing BComposite group flashingCMorse(A) DQuick flashing6、A buoy marking a wreck will show a(n)_AWhite light FL(2)and a topmark of 2 black spheresBOcculting green light and may be letteredCYellow light and will be numberedDContinuous quick white light and may be numbered7、A celestial body will cross the prime vertical circle when the latitude is numerically _AGreater than the declination and both are of the same nameBLess than the declination and both are of the same nameCGreater than the declination and both are of contrary nameDLess than the declination and both are of contrary name8、A fairly accurate estimation of a ships position can be calculated by a technique known as _ADead reckoning BPilotageCGreat circle sailing DGeographic navigation9、A line of position derived by radar range from an identified point on a coast will be a(n)_AStraight line BArcCParabola DLine parallel to the coast10、A position obtained by applying only your vessels course and speed to a known position is a _ADead-reckoning position BFixCProbable position DRunning fix11、A position that is obtained by applying estimated current and wind to your vessels course and speed is a(n)_ADead reckoning position BEstimated positionCFix DNone of the above12、A special purpose buoy shall be _Alighted with a white light Bstriped black and redClighted with a red light Dyellow13、An orange and white buoy indicating a vessel-exclusion area will be marked with what symbol _AOpen-faced diamond BDiamond with a crossCCircle DSquare14、An orange and white buoy marking an area where operating restrictions are in effect will be marked with which symbol _AOpen-faced diamond BDiamond with a crossCCircle DRectangle15、At the magnetic equator there is no induced magnetism in the vertical soft iron because _AThe lines of force cross the equator on a 0-180alignmentBThe quadrantal error is 0CThere is no vertical component of the Earths magnetic fieldDThe intercardinal headings have less than 1 error16、Depiction of TSSs on charts uses _ as the primary colorAmagenta Bdeep redCbright red Dred17、Deviation changes with a change in _ALatitude BHeadingCLongitude DSea conditions18、How would you pass a red buoy in the maritime buoyage system“A” _Akeep the buoy on the vessels starboard side when approaching a port and on the vessels port side when leavingBkeep the buoy on the vessels port side when approaching a port and on the vessels starboard side when leavingCkeep the buoy on the vessels starboard side when approaching and leavingDkeep the buoy on the vessels port side when approaching and leaving19、In very high latitudes,the most practical chart projection is the _AMercator BGnomonicCAzimuthal DLambert conformal20、On a chart,the characteristic of the light on a lighthouse is shown as flashing white with a red sectorThe red sector _AIndicates the limits of the navigable channelBIndicates a danger areaCIs used to identify the characteristics of the lightDServes n
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