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人教版英语精品资料Unit 11How was your school trip教学课题 第四课时Section B (3a-3c)& Self Check教学目标【知识目标】Important words:great,boring,trip,like,see,visitImportant phrases:at the zoo,take photosImportant sentences:1.Yesterday my school visited the zoo.2.We went there by bus.3.I saw a lot of animals and I took some photos.4.It was a great day.【能力目标】能正确使用一般过去时描述和谈论过去的事情。【情感目标】1.客观地表达对事物的看法。2.培养乐观主义精神和乐观向上的性格。教学重难点一般过去时的应用。教学过程Step 1Leading1.Revise the phrases about activities.(见课件)2.Do some exercises of translating.(见课件)3.Check the answers by reading the sentences.Step 2Reading1.Read the passage in 3a with the help of the pictures.Fill in the blanks.(见课件)2.Check the answers:sunny,animals,gift shop,gifts3.Read Lindas diary entry and complete it.4.Check the answers:terrible,saw many animals,the gift shop,they were too expensiveStep 3Writing1.Teacher shows some pictures about activities.(见课件)2.Students write a diary entry and describe what they did during the vacation.3.Ask several students to show their articles by reading aloud.4.Ask students to explain if they liked it or didnt like it and why.教学过程Step 4Self Check1.Write more verbs and their past forms in each group in Self Check 1.(见课件)2.Check the answers.Ask four students to write the answers on the blackboard.3.Give a summary about the changing rules.(见课件)4.Complete the conversations in Self Check 2 with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.5.Check the answers.(见课件)Step 5HomeworkWrite a short passage about a trip.板书设计Section B (3a-3c)& Self Check重点短语1.at the zoo2.take photos 重点句型1.Yesterday my school visited the zoo.2.We went there by bus.3.I saw a lot of animals and I took some photos.4.It was a great day.课堂练习.单项选择1.I have been to Shanghai.I there last month. A.goB.wentC.have gone D.will go2.Last summer vacation,we many photos when we had a trip to Dalian.A.takeB.takesC.tookD.will take3. were the beaches?They were beautiful but crowded.A.HowB.WhatC.WhereD.When4.?I watched TV at home.A.How was your weekendB.Where did you goC.What did you doD.When did you watch TV5.They five days finishing the work.A.paidB.tookC.spent D.costKeys:15BCACC.句型转换1.Erics school trip was excellent.(对画线部分提问) Erics school trip?2.Bill went to the zoo.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) Bill to the zoo?, .3.The sun came out yesterday.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) the sun out yesterday?, .4.Were the bananas delicious?(作否定回答), .5.He often gets up at six.(用last Sunday改写句子)He up at six .Keys:1.How was2.Did;go;Yes;he did3.Did;come;No;it didnt4.No;they werent5.got;last Sunday 教学反思
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