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三年级上册1. Whats your name? - My names _.(询问对方姓名时,注意人称上的转换)2. Whats this/ that? -Its a/ an_.(根据所指物体的远近来询问this或that,在答句中a和an的用法,当后面的名词以元音字母a,e,i,o,u开头用an)3. A: Im hungry. Can I have some _, please? -B: Sure. /OK. Here you are.4. How old are you? -Im _ years old.(询问年龄时,大于一岁用years old)5. How are you? -Im fine, thank you. /Very well, thanks.(与4题做好区分。How后面不跟形容词,指问此事的状态)下册1、Where are you from? -Im from the UK.(该题通常出现在配对中,我们主要要注意问题的承接性,在问题中出现了from,那么答案中也会出现from。如果出现在选择中还要注意缩写的地名我们要+the,全拼的不+the)2、Whos that manwomangirlboy?He She is my fathermothersisterbrother.(该题首先应该注意性别,男的用he,女的用she,还要注意年龄去比较是用man还是boy,woman还是girl.3、Is she your mother? -Yes ,she is. No,she isnt.(she问she答)4、Is he your father? -Yes ,he is. No,he isnt.(he问he答)5、Is it in your bag? -Yes ,it is. No,it isnt.(it问it答)6、Where is my ruler?Its under the chair.(看到Where在没有from的搭配下,要想到on,in,under,near,next to这几个与方位相关的介词与介词短语。)7、Do you like pears?Yes,I do.No,I dont.(do问do答,人称的转变,问题中用你时,回答应该转变为我。)8、How many kites do you see ? -I see 12.(how many 问数量,see问see答)9、How many cars do you have?(how many 问数量,have问have答)We I have 20. (8、9的疑问词都是How many,所以回答中基本上都有数字)特殊疑问句:以疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。需要作出具体回答。常用的疑问词有:what where who whose how 等。一般疑问句:am、is,are,can,do,does,did。用yes 或no回答的问句。上册一、 Read and choose.1. -How are you? -_.A. Im fine B. Ok 2. How old are you? -_.A. very well, thanks. B. Im nine years old. 3. Have some juice, please. -_.A. Thank you. B. No4.-_. -My names Mike.A. How are you? B. Whats your name?下册1、 Is she your mother? A、 Yes, she is. B、No, it isnt.2、 Is he your father? A、 Yes, she is. B、No, he isnt.3、 Whos that girl?A、 She is my mother . B、Shes my sister. 4、Do you like pears?A、Yes,I do. B、No,you dont. 5、Where are you from?A、Im from the Shandong. B 、Im from the USA.6、How many kites do you see ?A、I have 12. B 、I see 8. 二、 Read and match. 1、( )Where are you from? A、 I have 20. 2、( )Where is my ruler? B、 Yes ,it is. 3、( )Is she your sister? C、Im from Shandong. 4、( )How many kites do you see ? D、 Its under the desk. 5、( ) Do you like fish? E、Yes, she is. 6、( )How many crayons do you have? F、I see 12.7、( )Is it in your bag? G、No,I dont.8、( )Whats your name? H、Its an eraser.9、( )How old are you? I、Im eight years old.10、( )Whats this? J、My names Amy.三四年级句型汇总 特殊疑问句:以疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。需要作出具体回答。常用的疑问词有:what where who whose how 等。WhatWhats your name? My name is _.Whats this / that ? Its a / an _.Whats his name? His name is _.Whats her name? Her name is _.What your aunts job? Shes a _.What about you? What would you like? Id like some _.What time is it? Its _.What color is it? Its _.Whats the weather like in New York? Its _and_.What are these / those / they ? These /Those / They are _.What about those? These /Those / They are _.What size is it / are they? Its / Theyre size _ .WhereWhere are you from? Im from _.Where is my pencil box? Its _.Where is it? Its _.Where are you? Im behind you / in front of the blackboard.Where are the keys? They are _.Where is the canteen ? Its on the first floor. WhoWhos that man / woman ? He / She is my father / mother.Whos this boy / girl? He / She is my brother / sister.Who is he / she ? He / She is _.WhoseWhose coat is this / that? Its mine/ yours.Whose pants are these / those? Theyre your fathers/ Mikes.HowHow are you? Im fine.How old are you? Im twelve years old.How about you? How about Beijing? Its windy and cool.How do you like this skrit? Its very pretty.How manyHow many kites do you see? I see _.How many crayons do you have? I have _.How many people are there in your family? There are _.How many students are there in your class? Forty-six.How muchHow much is this skirt ? Its 89 dollars.How much is it?How much are these gloves? Theyre 100 yuan. How
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