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Sentence:I have a.单位:安瑞祺幼儿园 形式:集体执教:Alice易瑜 日期:2016-5-10班级:大B班【Design Thinking 】设计思路本课内容是文具以及句型I have a的学习。1.Greeting2.Warm-up3.Process4. Say goodbye to teacher【Teaching aim】活动目标让小朋友们能够说出句型I have a.。【Teaching important point】活动重点 让小朋友理解句子并能流利说出句子。【Teaching difficult point】活动难点 I have 。.句子的操练【Teaching aids】活动教具Flash cards (2套) , DVD,单词对应的实物,【Teaching process】活动过程Step one :Greeting: Hello,good morning.How are you?Im fine thank you and you.Whats the weather like today? Sunny.一对一对话:Whats your name? My name is .Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you too.Step two:warmming up 热身(目标:调动孩子的积极性)Fingers game: Song step three :A:Review the words(复习单词)1. Review:(pencil box,crayon,pencil,bag,glue,rule,)(目标:通过闪卡使孩子回顾之前学习的单词。为下个步骤学习句型做准备)B:New lesson:Go go go,go go go,go to the kindergarten.This is my backpack.Pls guess.What do I have?老师伸手进书包摸,然后大声问:“What do I have?”孩子可能会说中文如:“书”那么老师要引导孩子:“How to say in English?”可以拿出书的单词闪卡给孩子看。当孩子回答出book时,老师马上慢慢说出句型:”I have a pencil box”Game:Touching(目标:纠正孩子在发音中的问题,以及教授句子中的单词Have)Lets play a game.I will put the cards on the floor,can you help me to find the correct card which I said?If I say pencil box ,pls run the to word card pencil box.If you stand on wrong card, come back.(我会将卡片散落在地上,请孩子仔细听我说的单词,我说pencil box,孩子就走到pencil box那里站着,没有站对的小朋友淘汰,此轮游戏大概玩3次)Game:Catch you:( 目标:操练难点句型I have,让孩子能自主回答句子:“I have。” Are you happy?(Yes)Do you want to play another game? Its catch you.(我会做一个老虎抓人的动作)I will give you cards,when I say:”What do you have”(这里我会小声告诉下面的孩子,然后让孩子大声说)You say:”I have pencil”.Who have pencil card? Put the card on the chair quickly. 我会在边说规则时边简单做示范。如大声说:“I have a pencil”,就快速把pencil卡放到椅子上。1) 将单词闪卡发给孩子2) 教师引导全部孩子一起说句子I have。3) 拿到被叫到的相应卡片的孩子将卡片快速送到椅子上4) 教师会在不同位置去抓孩子C:Review 拿出书包,让孩子去摸,摸出来后,我问:“What do you have?”让孩子回答I havestep four : endTodays class is over.Pls say goodbye.sing a good-bye song together .一起唱BYE-BYE 歌。 【Reflecting on performance】活动反思
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