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密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题密 封 线 学校 班级 姓名 学号 第5页,共8页 第6页,共8页四年级英语期中考试卷 班级 _ 姓名 _ 时间:60分 得分 _一、看图连线。(10分)basketball computer fruit vegetable notebook 二、找出下列各组单词中不同类的一项。(10分)( )1、A、see B、lunch C、fruit D、car( )2、A、give B、swim C、fast D、play( )3、A、banana B、fruit C、grape D、orange( )4、A、picture B、email C、story D、we( )5、A、fun B、swim C、easy D、sweet三、给下列单词归类。(10分)notebook basketball red yellow orange ping-pong grape blue pen glue banana football1.体育用品:2.学习用品:3.颜 色:4.水 果:四、单项选择(20分)( )1、This our classroom .A、is B、are C、dont( )2、I can a story .A、to write B、write C、writes( )3、May I use your crayon ?- Sorry , I dont have _ crayon. A、a B、an C、your( )4、I can see many . A、desk B、desks C、deskes( )5、Have _ apple , please.A、some B、a C、an( )6、 Can she _? A、swim B、swims C、to swim( )7、-What would you like ? - Id like some _ , please. I love vegetable.A、tomatoes B、apples C、juice( )8、Is there eraser on the desk? A、a B、an C、the( )9、Would you like some water ?- Yes, _. A、I do B、I like C、please( )10、 I dont have pen.A、a B、an C、the五、翻译下列句子。(10分)1 . We have a new classroom. 2. May I use your pen ? 3 . What can you do ?4. Have an apple , I t is sweet .5. Would you like some juice ? 六、从B 栏中找出A栏相对应的答语。(10分) A B()1、What would you like? A、Sure. Here you are.( )2、May I use your glue? B、Id like some water.( )3、What can you see? C、I can see five books.( )4、Is there a book on the desk?D、Yes, there is.() 5、What can you do ? E、I can run fast.七、连词成句。(10分)1、What, see, she, can(?)_2、is, write , Lets, story, a(.)_3、Would , some , like, you , water(?)_4、What , do , you , can (?)_5、May , some, have, I , apples ( ?)_八、根据短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(20分)Li Ming is a in a new school . She likes his new school. There are many buildings in it .There is a music room, a big computer room, an art room and many classrooms .There is a big playground, too. She often plays football or it .In his new school ,Li Ming has a good friend . His name is Li Lei . Li Lei has short ,blonde hair and a kind face. Li Lei likes playing football, too . So he usually plays football with Li Ming on the playground .( )1、Li Lei is in a new school .( )2、There are many new buildings in the school .( )3、There is a small computer room in the school.( )4、Li Lei has short, brown hair .( ) 5、Li Ming likes playing football .四年级答案一、略二、ACBDB三、1、basketball ping-pong football2、notebook pen glue3、red yellow blue4、grape orange banana四、ABABC AABCA五、1、我们有一个新教室。2、我可以借用你的钢笔吗?3、你会(能)做什么?4、吃一个苹果吧,它很甜。5、你想喝一些果汁吗?六、BACDE七、1、What can she see ?2、Lets write a story.3、Would you like some water?4、What can you do ?5、May I have some apples ?八、TTFFF
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