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Topic1:Social networking1.Do you spend a lot of your spare time on social networking websites? Can you name some of them?about two hours a day,such as QQ,e-mail,Blog,Fetion,Micro-channel(微信).2.In your opinion,what is social networking?The definition?Social networking is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on facilitating the building of social networks or social relations among people who, for example, share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections. 3. What do people usually do with the social network?Chat with friends,make friends,transment information, working.4.What are the advantages and disadvantages of social networking?Advantage:As far as I am concerned ,there are three reasons to explain Tt is advantage.first,It can provide better resources.sencond ,It can maintain our feelings.for example, Making new friends to expand our communities. Chatting with friends increase our friendship, and family chat to sustain our feelings.The last but not the least ,It can relive our stress, When we work very tired, we can through the social network change our mood, and get some useful informationDisadvantages:In my opinion, Social networking biggest disadvantage is a waste of time.another,It can leak our personal information.And if we become a Social control(社交控)disease,we can waste more time.Topic2:Week 2 College education and Graduate school1.Your 4 years college life ended yet. If looking back, how do you see your college years?As far as I am concerned , The university period is the important transition period in our life, we walk into society a springboard. He can just leave home ignorant we exercise to entering society mature. It is our lifes golden age. What do you get from it?As far as I am concerned , In my university life, I didnt learn a lot of professional knowledge, but the university has taught me a lot of quality spirit, such as: unity cooperation, when we do a project, only cooperation can we better and faster to complete the task; The other is a summary, only when we keep summary, we dont know what weve done and the future what should we do? Only by constantly summarize to progress.2.Why do you continue to study or come back to university as a graduate student?As far as I am concerned , there are three reasons to explain it.First,in order to find a good job,we all know that too many college graduates now easy to find work and low wages.Through the graduate education can enhance the threshold of ourself,and have more and better opportunities to compete.second,It is my hobbies,I like my professional and hope depth research in this profession. The last but not the least ,It can improve my quality accomplishment, and successful people stay together we can get more success.3.Do you find graduate school life anything different from your college study? In my opinion, The biggest difference between them lies in the change of the training mode.For college students, the teacher is teaching you to remember, as long as according to the teacher said to do it. More is implementation. For graduate students speaking, Most of the time are autonomous learning and solve problem by yourself. T The teacher just to give you a task for you to grasp the directionTopic3: traveling1.Where have you ever traveled to?I have traveled tozhangjiaji,fenghuang and fanjing mountain.2.Which place do you like best? Why?As for me, I most impressive a trip to zhangjiajie. Zhangjiajie Scenic Area is known around the world.The climbers will be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sea of clouds, rocks, etc.The tour was very fun, also took a lot of nice photos3.What have you gained from traveling?It can let me see the miracle of nature and the beauty of nature.Increased my knowledge, widened the field of my vision, loosen my mood, and make myself better into the study and work. 4.Where do you dream to travel to? Why?The Maldives is the place I most want to go, Because in my impression is a magical place, there not only have beautiful scenery, but also is very romantic! I want to go there for honeymoon with my husband,Topic4: Environmental Protection and Energy1. What serious environmental problems are we facing now in China and the world? As far as I am concerned ,Global warming,Acid rain,Damaged Ozone Layer,Sharply decreasing Forests,animal extinction,Land loss, Environmental pollution. are we facing now in China and the world.2. What are the key factors that lead to the serious environmental problems?I think it is that human is not reasonable development and utilization.使用4.What effective measures should be taken to solve those problems?First, you should have the conscious of environmental friendliness. Briefly, you should know that what you are doing now won t be harmful for our earth. Awareness is needed in the first step. Second, you should think twice before you determine to a thing. Beca
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