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上海市虹口区2012届高三第一学期英语学2012.1第I卷 II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25. You will see what great benefit the computers you own can be _ every time we use them.A.atB. ofC. forD. on26. The hungry children care so little about their meals that _ will do so long as the food fills their stomachs. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something27. _ all night in such cold weather caused her to suffer from a high fever and terrible cough.A. Bettys workingB. Betty to workC. Betty workedD. Betty working28. Our parents and teachers often tell us that we _ be careful enough no matter what we do. A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. cant D. neednt29. As is reported, women with demanding jobs are almost _ to suffer a heart attack. A. twice likely as B. as likely twice C. likely twice as D. twice as likely30. Since 1953 _ people all over the world have succeeded in climbing the Himalayas. A. hundred of B. several hundreds C. several hundreds of D. several hundred31. He _ as a mechanic for 10 years but now he turns businessman investing in the stock market. A. has worked B. had worked C. worked D. was working32. I have tried everything I can _ him to stay, but without success, so I wish him good luck.A. persuade B. persuading C. to be persuaded D. to persuade33. Jackson knew he would surely get _ if he went to work late again.A. shouting at B. shouted at C. to shout at D. to be shouted at34. Over the Huangpu River _ four grand bridges in Shanghai so far. A. have been builtB. have built C. has been builtD. built35. Mankind must have in mind that it will be years, even centuries, _ the environment recovers from the damage he makes to it.A. that B. before C. when D. since36. Is it the fact _ he hasnt turned in his research report?A. whether B. that C. which D. why37. The new CRH train between Beijing and Shanghai _ speed has been limited to 300 km/h focuses more on the safety of the passengers.A. whose B. where C. that D. which38. _ is known to us all is that the 30th Olympic Games will take place in 2012 in London.A. AsB. Which C. It D. What39. _ cell phones bring convenience to us in our daily life, they have also caused many social problems.A. Because B. Whether C. While D. As40. The problem of carbon emissions _ in society now has aroused the publics wide concern again.A. to be discussed B. being discussedC. having discussed D. having been discussedSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. unemployment B. blocked C. displaying D. elegant E. holdingF. voiced G. following H. nationwide I. stated J. conference99 Percent Occupy Wall StreetA month ago on September 17, a group of college students gathered in Zuccotti Park, a private plaza near Wall Street in New York, to show their anger to the US government. Now this anger has become a 41 movement. People in New York City and across the US are 42 their solidarity (团结) by organizing similar protests.The “Occupy Wall Street” movement started as a way of showing frustration (沮丧) about high _43 , corporate greed, social inequality and other issues. “The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99 % that will no longer stand the greed and corruption (腐败) of 1 %,” 44_ excitedly the website of the Seattle demonstrators.Most protests have been peaceful, though a few have led to arrests. On October 1, for example, the New York group 45 the Brooklyn Bridge road, and more than 700 people were arrested.The protesters spent most of their time in the plaza, sleeping on airbeds and 46 assemblies to discuss plans. They ate food that people gave them for free and ran their laptops from small generators (发电机).The movement has gained the support of many unions, including the United Federation of Teachers and the Transport Workers Union Local 100. At a press 47 on October 6, American President Barack Obama 48 his support for the movement, saying that “it expresses the frustrations the American people feel.” “The American people understand that not everybody has been 49 the rules, and Wall Street is an example of that,” he said. III. Reading ComprehensionSection A
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