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郑 重 声 明本人呈交的学位论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本学位论文的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本学位论文的知识产权归属于培养单位。本人签名: 日期: 前 言伴随着我国经济与科学技术的快速发展,钢结构已逐步在工业厂房,商业大楼,民用住宅,大型场馆等公共建筑中被广泛采用。钢材的强度高,故在结构中占体积小,因而建筑的实用空间就较大;钢结构可以成套预制装配,故施工方便;钢材可以回炉重新利用,故钢结构的再生性好。钢结构有着非常多的优点,我国的钢结构事业也正处在蓬勃发展中。轻型钢结构除具有普通钢结构的材质均匀,可靠性高;强度高,重量轻;塑性韧性,抗震性能好;便于机械化制造,施工期短;可回收,建筑造型美观等特点以外,一般还具有取材方便,用料较省,自重更轻等特点。它对加快基本建设速度,特别对中小型企业的建设,以及对现有企业的挖潜、革新、改造等工作能够起到显著的作用,因而受到建设单位,尤其是在工业建筑中的普遍欢迎。由于轻型钢结构的经济指标很好,总造价较低,再加上结构自重轻为改革重型结构体系创造了条件。因此,轻型钢结构是很有发展前途的一种结构形势。基于以上对轻型钢结构的认识,我在毕业设计课题中选择了轻型钢结构设计。本次设计的是万利集团民用工业园的轻钢结构房屋工程。通过这次设计,我希望能对钢结构的计算原理、轻型钢结构的特点和构造要求有一个较系统的认识。同时,通过这次设计,培养自己理论结合实践的能力,积累工程经验,从而为将来走向工作岗位打下坚实的基础。摘 要近年来,轻钢结构因其取材方便、用料省、自重轻、构件批量生产、现场施工速度快、周期短等诸多特点,在我国取得了长足的发展。其中,门式刚架造型由于其简洁美观、平面布置灵活、安装便利及可以满足多种生产工艺和使用功能的要求等特点,目前正被运用于越来越多的钢结构房屋建筑中。本工程是以轻型门式钢架作为结构形式的单层工业厂房。厂房共有两跨,每跨设有两台桥式软钩吊车。厂房为双坡屋面,除基础和地基梁使用混凝土、外墙标高1.2m以下为240厚砖墙外,其他所有主次要构件均为钢结构。首先根据现有资料进行建筑方案的比选及建筑的平、立、剖面的设计;然后建筑设计基础之上的结构布置、静力计算、框架设计、节点设计、柱脚设计、檩条设计、柱间支撑设计、吊车梁设计及基础设计等。建筑设计给结构设计提供初步的计算资料,结构设计又把更新的数据反馈给建筑设计,如此循环以得到最终设计结果。在结构设计中,对各种构件的基本的设计思路如下:(1)建立合理的力学模型,确定计算简图;(2) 计算各种工况下构件危险截面的内力;(3) 进行荷载效应组合,得到可能的最不利内力;(4)对构件危险截面进行内力验算,继而确定其具体尺寸(包括截面尺寸、板件厚度、螺栓直径及间距、焊脚尺寸及长度、疲劳验算等)。构件的尺寸选择一般是通过经验公式进行初选,然后进行验算调整直至其符合要求。在人工设计结束以后,利用3D3S钢结构设计软件建模设计。首先对手算设计的主体构件进行验算和校核,然后利用软件中围护结构设计模块对厂房总体设计进行完善,主要包括隅撑、女儿墙小立柱等构件。最终利用软件自动生成施工图并加以必要修改,以建施和结施图纸集的形式将总体设计表达出来。关键词:轻型门式刚架;荷载组合;内力分析;结构设计与验算;3D3S建模ABSTRACTIn recent years, the light steel structures have been popularized in the development of our country for the reasons such as easy erection, economized materials, light weight, mass production components, high-speed on-site construction and short cycle. Among them, the portal system, because of its simple and beautiful style, layout flexibility, convenient install and the feature that can meet the requirement of a variety of production processes and utilizing function, is taking an active part in the market of steel housing construction.First of all, architectural programs are selected and the plan, faade and profile figures are designed according to the existing available information. Afterward, on the foundation of architectural design, the structural arrangement, static analysis, framework design, joint design, column pedestal, purlin design, brace design, crane beam design and foundation design are carried out successively. In this process, architectural design provides structural design with preliminary data for calculations, and in turn structural design feed updated data back to architectural design. After several such circulations, final design results are acquired.This project is a single-story industrial plant which uses Light Portal Frame as its construction form. The plant consists of tow crosses, each of which is set with two soft hook bridge cranes, and is designed as gable roof. In addition of the foundation and foundation beam, which use concretes as material, and 240mm thick brick walls bellowing exterior elevation of 1.2m, all other major and minor elements take steel as their material.In structural design, the basic design ideas of various components are as follows:(1) Establish a reasonable mechanical model and determine the calculation diagram;(2) Calculate the internal force of dangerous section under various conditions;(3) Carried out the combination of load effect and get the worst possible internal force;(4) Calculate and check the internal force of dangerous section, and then decide the specific sizes of them (including the section size, thickness of plates, bolt diameter and spacing, size and length of the foot solder, fatigue calculations, etc.). Component sizes are generally primarily selected by the empirical formula, and then are adjusted and checked until it meets the requirements.After the artificial design, use steel structure design software 3D3S to establish the structural model and calculation. Firstly, check and verify the result of hand computation for the main component, and then use the building envelope design module in the software to improve the overall design of plant, including corner supports and upright posts on parapet walls. In the end, use the software to automatically generate the construction drawings and make necessary modification, and make the expression of the overall design by atlas of architectural and structural construction.Key words: Light Portal Frame; Load effect Combination; Internal force analysis; Structural design and verification; 3D3S modeling目 录第1章 引言1.1目前轻钢结构的特点及发展现状11.2门式刚架的特点与发展21.3毕业设计的内容与方法3第2章 建筑设计2.1工程概况42.2设计条件42.3建筑设计5第3章 内力计算3.1结构设计资料123.2结构布置133.3静力计算21第4章 框架设计4.1柱的设计364.2横梁的设计514.3主要节点设计574.4柱脚设计67第5章 墙架及抗风
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