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2023年中考英语模拟试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、-I think Hao Haidong is the best football player in China. He can take our team to the world.-I dont think so._.AA single flower does not make a spring.BMany hands make light work.CThe early bird catches the worm.DEvery dog has its day.2、- A new library _ in our school last year. - How great it is! You can learn a lot from it.AbuiltBwas builtCis builtDwill be built3、Mum, I think Im _to get back to school.Not really, my dear. Youd better stay at home for another day.Aso well Bso goodCwell enough Dgood enough4、Saving the earth begins with small things. For example, we can save electricity by turning off the lights when we leave a room. Simple things like bringing a_ bag to go shopping can also help.AreusableBreflectedCrecycled5、- Is it _ cheaper and _ enjoyable to travel by train than by plane?- Yes, I think so.Avery; very more Bmore; much more Cmuch; far more Deven; a little6、My mom _ breakfast when the morning post came.Awas havingBis havingChasDhad7、 You won the first prize in the Physics competition. _. I made several terrible mistakes.AI think soBYou must be jokingCYou are welcomeDIt doesnt matter8、-Kate, are you only child in your family?-Yes, but new baby is on the way.Aa; theBan; theCthe; aDthe; the9、Trumps granddaughter Arabella began to learn Chinese when she was _ 18-month-old baby. She thinks Chinese is _ useful language.Aa ; aBan; aCa; /Dan; an10、Ill not be Jacks friend any more.Dont be angry. Hes just so , but in fact hes good to us , you know.AhelpfulBdirectCpolite. 完形填空11、完型填空通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C 3个选项中,选出1个最佳答案。There was once a bad king. All the people hated him. One day in a summer he was swimming alone 1 a river.The king was good at 2 , but while he was in the middle of the river, he suddenly felt ill. He cried out, “Help! Help!” At that time two farmers were working nearby. They 3 ran over, jumped into the water 4 saved him. They didnt know that he was the king before he was pulled out of the water.The king was 5 , so he said to the farmers, “You have saved my life. Now you may_ 6 anything, and Ill give it to you.”One of the farmers said, “My son is ill. Please send him to a good_ 7 .” The king promised (承诺) to do so. Then he spoke to the old farmer. “And_ 8 can I do for you, old man?” The old man 9 for some minutes and then he answered, “You can do a very important thing for me.” “What is that?” asked the king. “Dont tell 10 that we have saved you.” The old man answered.1Aat Bin Con Dof2Aswimming Bswims Cto swim Dswim3Aclearly Bquickly Chardly Dstrongly4Abut Bor Cand Dthough5Asad Bangry Cupset Dhappy6Aask for Bthank for Ccare for Dpay for7Ateacher Bscientist Cdriver Ddoctor8Awhen Bwhat Cwhere Dhow9Aheard Bsaid Cthought Dtook10Asomeone Bone Canybody Dnobody. 语法填空12、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。In my life, a person who has influenced me most is my father. He is a model for me. Now Ill tell you about his story. My father is in his 1 (fifty). He never smokes or drinks. He 2(work) in a local factory for years. You will not find anything unusual about him until you learn more. He works carefully all the time, so he 3 (respect) by his workmates. My father has always been kind and helpful. He has fun 4 (talk) with old people. He gave our TV to a family who could not afford one. He cares for the children 5 have lost their parents. Whenever he has some money left, he will give it to someone in need.My father has donated (捐赠) blood many times since we 6 (move) here. The blood he has donated is much enough 7 (save) over 10 lives. He has also donated blood cells to people with blood cancer. To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research 8 his death.When I was a little girl, I could not understand why my father always seemed to be 9 (kind) to others than to his own family and why he thinks of others more than 10 (he). Now I realize that he owns a heart full of love. 阅读理解A13、 The book I would like to talk about is The Merchant of Venice. The book is a dramatic work by Shakespear, an English famous writer in the 16th century. It talks about something happening between merchants in Venice. The main characters are Bassanio, Portia, Shylock and Antonio.The drama begins with Antonio, who helps Bassanio borrow money from Shylock, and then brings out other stories. Bassanio is a poor merchant. He needs m
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