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Unit 9 What are you doing? 教学设计新会圭峰小学 陈月华、Key words : playing, shopping, studying, painting, eating, running, sleeping, writing Key sentences: What are you doing? Im Whats she/ he doing? She/ He is 、Procedure:1.Greetings and song.T: Hello, boys and girls. Are you happy?Lets sing a song Apple round, apple red. One, two, begin.What day is it today?What do you do on Tuesday?What are you doing?(进行简单的复习相关知识,并活跃课堂)2.TitleT: Today well learn U9 What are you doing? 3.T: Look! This is Tonys family. This is Tonys father. Whats he doing? Hes writing. This is Tonys mother. Whats she doing? Shes shopping. This is Tonys sister. Whats she doing? Shes painting. This is Tonys brother. Whats he doing? Hes painting. This is Tonys dog. Whats it doing? Its running. What are they doing? Theyre playing. Theyre eating. Theyre sleeping. Whats Tony doing? Guess! (埋下伏笔,点出提示)4.New words(1)GameT: First. Lets play a game. When I say Hes cooking, the boys do the action. When I say Shes cooking, the girls do the action. When I say Were/ Im cooking, the whole class do the action. When I say Theyre cooking, the whole class sit up straight.(轻松课堂,并主要复习五个人称he, she, we, I, they)(2) New wordsA. writingCan you remember? Whats Tonys father doing? Hes writing.write writingB. shoppingWhats Tonys mother doing? Shes shopping.shop shoppingC. paintingWhats Tonys sister doing? Shes painting.paint paintingD. studyingWhats Tonys brother doing? Hes studying.study studyingE. gameWhen I say writing, you do the action. When I do the action, you say it.F. runningWhats Tonys dog doing? Its running.run runningG. playingWhat are they doing? Theyre playing.play playingH. eatingWhat are they doing? Theyre eating.eat eatingI. sleepingWhat are they doing? Theyre sleeping.sleep sleeping (用一开始介绍Tonys family的内容结合句型教学)J. Game(soft and loud)T: When I say “running”loudly, you should stand up and say “running”softly. When I say “running” softly, you should stand up and say “running” loudly.K. Game (flash the words)(3) TargetT: Now open your books and read it.(在学生读的过程中进行正音,并在黑板上板书)(4) Game A.望远镜课件的动作图片很小,学生猜课件的图片是哪一个动作,并用句型What doing?问答。B. Paper, scissors, stone (猜拳)(游戏规则:请两位同学上来,一手把卡片放在背后,一手猜拳,每胜一次就前进一步,最快到达目的的那一位举起自己的卡片回答Im。)C.Lucky numbers.(游戏规则:挑选自己的幸运数字,然后回答问题,其中有两个数字里面有奖品。)D. Finish Activity 1。(做笔头习题,进一步巩固学习内容。)E.看图片用What are you doing? Im 问答。(训练口头表达)5. song 6. Summary.Today we have learned Unit 9 What are you doing?7.Homework.
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