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Unit 7单元试题Part I Vocabulary and grammar I. The following are James favorite food. Please write out their names according to the photos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 II. Sort the words in the word box into different groups. steak waitress coffee chef juice dumplings burger chicken waiter roast beef sprite noodles beer Coca-cola fish manager tea pizza barman milkfood: drinks: people: III. Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the given phrases. make sure how about main course famous for a great treat deal with 1. What would you like for the _? 2. Where shall we go? _ the Chinese restaurant near our office? 3. This western restaurant is _ its roast beef. 4. Peter is a restaurant manager and he can _ problems properly. 5. A waiter should _ all his guests are happy. 6. Beijing Restaurant would give everyone _ for Chinese food.IV. Choose the best answers.( ) 1. You should be more careful _ you take a test. A. after B. since C. before D. when ( ) 2. _ you like Classic music, you should go to the new CD shop. A. If B. That C. So D. But( ) 3. We will meet you _ we get to your city. A. before B. because C. as soon as D. since( ) 4. If he comes next week, we _ a big dinner in a Chinese restaurant. A. have B. will have C. has D. to have( ) 5. _ you dont like the dish, you can ask the waiter to change it. A. Though B. Because C. If D. Before( ) 6. He will go swimming with his father if he_ time tomorrow. A. have B. has C. will have D. will hasPart II Oral practiceI. Rearrange the dialogue.1. Yes, Id like some vegetable salad.2. Would you like something to drink?3. Sandwich and sausage, please.4. A glass of apple juice.5. Good evening. Can I take your order now?6. What would you like for the main course?The best order: _II. Make a dialogue in pairs according to the menu and reminding words: Waiter: What would you like for.? Forest Inn Menu Good Food Fine Wine Real life Starters Price Main Courses PricePotato Soup 5.00 Chicken breast 18.00Pudding 3.50 Steak 22.5Vegetable Salad 4.00 Sausage 15 Drinks Price Desserts Price Red wine 10.00 Rose berry ice cream 8.00 Coffee 5.00 Cherry pie 6.00Chocolate shake 4.00 Cheese cake 10.00 Customer: I d like ., please.III. Sara is talking about the restaurant with Tim. Please complete their dialogue with the missing parts in the box.Tim: Hi, Sara. Do you want to eat out?Sara: Yes. 1 Tim: Id like some Western food.Sara: 2 Tim: Well, I think Mr. Bean Western Restaurant is better. Sara: 3 A. Would you like to order now?B. Do you like Chinese food or Western food?C. OK, lets go.D. A glass of orange juice, please.E. The same, please.F. Well-done or medium?G. Wait a minute, please.H. What about Yue Guang Restaurant?(They are now in the Mr. Bean Western Restaurant.)Waiter: 4 Sara: Yes, Id like beef steak.Waiter: 5 Sara: Well-done, please.Waiter: Would you like something to drink?Sara: 6 Waiter: Beef steak well-done and a glass of orange juice.Sara: Right. Waiter: What about you, Sir?Tim: 7 Waiter: All right. 8 Part III Reading and writingI. Choose a suitable restaurant for the people below. 1. Tina works in a company. Every day she is very busy. She would like to have some fast food with her friends for lunch. 2. Terry works in Beijing. He enjoys Chinese food very much. He wants to introduce his favourite foodroast duck to his British friends. 3. Meimei is an 8-year-old girl. She likes sushi very much. 4. Caroline wants to invite all her guests to have some western food. ( ) (
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