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学科:英语年级:三年级教材版本:人教版(PEP)小学英语三年级上册课例名称:Unit 12 A bird【Teaching Aims】Knowledge Objectives1. Students will be able to say and write the words:monkey, bird, panda, tiger, elephant, zoo;2. Students will be able to read and know the sentences in this lesson;3. Students will be able to use the sentence patterns to make dialogs:Whats that? Its a .4. Students will be able to say and do the actions: Act like a/an.Skill Objectives5.Students will be able to use the sentence patterns to express their opinions;6. Students will be able to cooperate and communicate with others in group work;Affective Objectives7. Students will be more interested in English learning;8. Students will love and protect the animals.【Teaching Key Points】1. Students will be able to say and write the words:monkey, bird, panda, tiger, elephant, zoo;2. Students will be able to read and know the sentences in this lesson.【Teaching Difficulties】1. Students might have problems in learning the word: elephant;2. Students might have problems in expressing their opinions by using the sentence patterns:Whats that?Its a/an.【Teaching Materials】教学用具PPT, some teaching cards, toys【Teaching Process】Step 1 Warm up热身1.Watch a movie. Say hello and watch a movie about the animals.2.Read the title of this class: We love animals!Step 2 Presentation新授1.Play a guessing game and learn to say: monkey.T: Can you guess whats in my bag?Some students touch, guess and say“Its a monkey.”Then Ss learn to say and spell: monkeyStudents look at the toys and learn to say: a big/little monkeyDraw a tree on the blackboard and ask:“Whats in the tree?”Ss: A monkey.Learn to write: monkey Learn to say: Act like a monkey.T: Who can act like a monkey?S1 acts and Ss learn to say: Act like a monkey.Show a flash of Monkey King and learn to say the sentences:Whats that? Its a monkey.2. Show a toy bird and learn to say: birdShow a flash of the word and learn to spell: birdLook at the pictures and say:“a blue/red/purple/white/black bird ”and“ birds”.T: Who can act like a bird?S1 acts and Ss learn to say: Act like a bird.Show the flash, students learn to say the sentences:Whats that? Its a bird.3. Students guess a riddle,learn to say: panda.Riddle:It is black and white. It is fat and lovely. It likes bamboo(竹子) .Students learn to say and spell: pandaT: Who can act like a panda?S1 acts and teachs the others to say: Act like a panda.Show the flash of Kungfu Panda, Students learn to say the sentences:Whats that? Its a panda.4.Show a video about “tiger”and learn to say: tiger.Students learn to say and spell: tigerT:Who can act like a tiger?S1 acts and teachs the others to say : Act like a tiger.Show a flash of Qiao hu, Students learn to say the sentences:Whats that? Its a tiger.5.Two students use the computer to finish the jigsaw puzzle, Ss learn to say: elephant.T:Look at the elephant,it has a strong(Ss:body),T:It has a long(Ss:nose),T:It has two big(Ss:ears).Students learn to say and spell: elephantShow a photo,learn to say: an elephantT shows a picture, Students learn to say:A big/little elephantT: Who can act like an elephant?S1 acts and teachs the others to say: Act like an elephant. Students watch the flash and learn to say the sentences: Whats that? Its an elephant. Step 3 Practice练习1.Listen and read the text.2.Play a Lucky game.Have a match between boys & girls.T:Choose a flower and make dialogs with your partner, youll get stickers for your team,but if you meet the bomb, you can get nothing.Ss listen to the music and pass the toys, then make the dialogues.3.T:Where are the animals? Students learn to say and spell: zoo4. Listen,say and do:Act like a monkey.Act like a bird.Act like a panda.Act like a tiger.Act like an elephant. Step 4 Wrap-up 小结1. Enjoy a song:The Animals On The Farm2. Show some pictures about the animals. Tell the students:We should love and protect the animals.3.Homework:Copy the new words: monkey,panda,tiger,bird,elephant,zoo.Listen and try to recite the text.Talk about animals with your family.
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