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中考四会单词用法归纳 AE1. answer v. n. (可数) v. answer my question = reply to my questionn. the answers to my questions the key to the door2. ageat the age of =at +年龄At the age of ten, he invented a great invention.Since the age of 6, he has learned two English songs.many teenagers of my age the people of all ages3. 秋天autumn 英式 fall 美式 4. appear disappear 无被动 5. active inactive actor actress actively inactively activities action acting skills acting years 6. angry 名词 anger adv. angrily more angrily angrier angrier and angrier 越来越生气 He became angrier and angrier and shouted at me. 7. almost, mostly, nearly, most, hardly The members are mostly from China. 8. afford 负担得起 afford to do afford sth. He is too poor to afford to buy the tickets to the concerts. He is too poor to afford the tickets to the concerts. 9. against 介词,不做动词 do sth. against the law 做违法的事 He sat against the tree. 他靠着树坐。10. brave- bravely 副词 -bravery 名词11. break broke broken break into break down (be broken)12. busy business (可数 工厂,企业, 不可数 生意,商务) busily 13. behaviour Im worried about his strange behaviour.14. catch catch a cold / a virus catch a bus catch up with He _a cold for a whole week. 15. close closed closely be close to sit close to come close to keep your eyes closed work closely with close friends16. cross 动词 crossing 名词 across 介词 He is the first man to cross the channel. 17. climb climber climbing The death of the _made the whole country sad. 18. marry marriage marry sb. be/get married to sb. 19. carry on with sth carry on doing 20. come out 无被动 21.crowded more crowded be crowded with 22. danger in danger out of danger dangerous endangered 23.drive - drove - driven 驾驶 dive 潜水 drive me mad 使我发疯 drive a car to school24.dishonest honest25.develop developed developing development26.decide decision make a decision to do sth27dry dried drier -driest28.doubt no doubt that Do you doubt that he is honest? doubt if / whether29.discuss discussion have a lively discussion30.discover find find out31. deal -dealt -dealt how to deal with what to do with 32. die dead death dying 33. devote devote to sth./ to doing put ones effort into sth. / doing34. encourage encouragement encourage sb. to do / be encouraged to do 35. education educational international medical natural36. effort 努力 effect 影响 名词 affect 影响, 动词37. cruel crueller 38. cause What do you think causes traffic accidents? the cause of the reason for 39. consider as see as treat sb. as 40. century centuries in the eighties of the last century F-G1. face (名)脸 faces, (动)面临,面对 face the danger2. fashion(名) 时装,时尚,风尚 in fashion(时髦)/ out of fashion(过时) fashionable-more-most do a fashion show 进行时装表3. fish (不可名) 鱼肉, (可数名)鱼 :复数:同种鱼 fish , 异种鱼, fishes 动:钓鱼 go fishing fishes, fished4. fit (形) 健康的 fitterfittest fitness(名) keep/ stay fit in the fitting room (动)适合 This coat fits me well. 容纳 My legs dont fit under the desk. fits(三单)5. fun How funny! What great fun! have(great) fun doing sth just for fun6. fail fail the exams fail in sth fail to do sth7. fight 打架、打仗 fightfought-fought8. frighten-frightening-frightened be frightened of sth/ to do sth be afraid of / to do sth9. fall (名) 秋天, (动)掉落 fall - fell-fallen feel-felt-feltfall down from / fall off , fall behind , fall asleep10. fat-fatter fattest thin-thinner-thinnest11. fear 恐惧 in fear 12. final 决赛,期中考试 go to the final 最后的 finally = at last= in the end13. fog-foggyfoggier (雾) frost-frostyfrostier(霜)14. fantastic极好的 have a fantastic time= have a good time15. fresh 新鲜的 fresherfreshest The air is not as fresh as before.16. French (形)法国的, 法语的 (名)法语 France (名) 法国 Frenchman/ Frenchwoman 法国人 法国人在法国说法语。 Frenchmen speak French in France.17. fix (动)使固定, 安装,修理 fixed-fixingfixes fix to18. float (动)漂浮,漂移 float away19. goal (名) 得分(score), 目标20. grade 年级,成绩 great 极好的 grandpa 祖父 ghost 鬼 guide 向导21. grateful (形)感激的 be grateful/ thankful to sb for sth 因某事而感激某人22. general 大体的 generally geography 地理(课)23. guilty (形)有罪的 guiltierguiltiest be guilty of 犯了罪 be charged with 被指控犯了罪H-J1. 藏,隐藏 hide hid hidden, play hide-and-seek 2. 历史,历史课 be in history 3. 寻找,搜寻 hunt hunted hunted / waited猎人 hunter ( let /set/ put/ hurt/ hit/ cost/ broadcast 过去式和过去分词 同原形) 4. hurt hurt hurt 伤害某人: hurt sb 形:be hurt 受伤 疼:身体部位+ hurt Shes badly hurt, _? Shes hurt her mother deeply, _
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