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牛津高中英语模块九Unit 1 课案要点 IWord preparation1. minus prep. 减; 零下 Seven minus three equals four. 七减去三等于四。 The temperature today is minus ten degrees centigrade. 今天的温度是零下十摄氏度。2. defend vt. 保护,保卫defend ones country against enemies 卫国抗敌When the dog attacked me, I defended myself with a stick. 我用棍子自卫。【拓展】defence n. 保护,保卫They planned defence of the country. 他们订出了该城的防御计划。in defence of They fight the enemies in defence of the country他们为保卫国家而战。3. waste n. 浪费;废物,垃圾;荒地 Industrial waste must be prevented from polluting our rivers. 必须禁止工业废料污染我们的河流。 a waste of In his opinion, it is a waste of time and money to have holidays. 他认为度假浪费时间和金钱。【拓展】 v. 浪费 waste sth. on sth. 浪费时间在上 waste sth in doing sth. 浪费时间做某事 Dont waste your time doing nothing. 不要无所事事。 adj. 废弃的,荒芜的 a waste product 废品 waste water 废水4. be located in 坐落于locate vt. 使坐落于The information office is located in the city center. (位于市中心)【拓展】n. location 地方,位置5. be home to 是的家园,是的所在地 China is home to giant pandas. 中国是熊猫的家园。6. sheet n. 薄片,被单,纸张 Mother is putting a clean sheet on the bed. 妈妈正在铺干净的床单。 a sheet of paper 一张纸 The book is in sheets. 这本书尚未装订。7. settlement n. 解决,处理The strikers have reached a settlement with the employers. 罢工的人已和雇主达成协议。【拓展】 settle vt. & vi. 定居;停留;解决,处理 After years of travel, we decided to settle here.我们旅行多年后,决定在此定居。 Its time you settled your dispute with him.是时候你和他把争端解决了。 settle down 安定/安顿下来Its terrible. I cant settle down to anything today. 真糟糕,我今天无法安下心来做任何事。8. 4. immigration n. 移民 an immigration office 移民局 【拓展】 immigrate v. 移入(外国定居) His grandfather immigrated from Italy to America in the 1930s. 他的祖父在20世纪30年代从意大利移民到美国的。 immigrant n. 移民者9. be bound to do sth. 一定做某事 The weather is bound to get better tomorrow明天天气一定会变好。10. put aside 把放到一边;储存;忽视,不顾 She put the newspaper aside and picked up a book. 她把报纸放到一边,拿起了一本书。 She has put aside a sum of money for her retirement.她存了一笔钱以备退休之用。 They decided to put aside their differences. 他们决定抛开彼此的分歧。11. preference n. 偏爱 have a preference for sth. 对有偏爱 He has a preference for blue.他特别喜爱蓝色。 【拓展】 prefer v. 选择,更喜欢 prefer A to B prefer doing A to doing B prefer to do A rather than do B 选择做A而非做B I prefer walking to cycling. 我宁愿步行而非骑自行车。12. register vi. & vt.登记,注册 register at a hotel 登记入住旅馆; register for a new school year 新学年开始注册 register the birth of a child 登记小孩的出生 n. 登记,注册 a register office 登记处;注册处13. devotion n. 献身,忠心,深爱 devotion to sb./ sth. His devotion to his work was beyond words. 他对工作的热诚是无法用语言来表达的。 【拓展】 devote v. 为付出/奉献(时间,精力等),献身于 devote oneself/ sth. to sb./ sth./ doing sth. = be devoted to sb./ sth./ doing sth. Tom devotes all his efforts to his task. Tom全力以赴工作。 devoted adj. 热爱的,忠诚的,全心全意的 He is a devoted husband. 他是个忠诚的丈夫。14. content adj. 满足的be content with sth. to do 满足于He is content with the present life. 他安于现状。The old man is well content to live alone in his small house. 那位老人很满足于独自一人生活在他那间小屋里。【拓展】vt. content oneself with 满足于,对感到满足He contents himself with the present life. 他安于现状。 As there is no sugar, we have to content ourselves with black coffee.既然没有糖,我们只好喝清咖啡。n. 里面的东西,内容;目录Please show me the contents of your suitcase. 请把你箱子里的东西拿给我看看。15. unfit adj. 不合适的 fit adj. 合适的 be fit for sth./ sb. to do sth. The food was unfit for the Chinese.这食物不适合中国人吃。16. owe v. 欠 owe sth to sb. / sth或 owe sb sth 归因于; 归功于I owe it to you that I finished my work in time. 亏得你帮忙,我才及时完成了任务。欠(账),欠(人情)We owe him 30 yuan for the ticket. 我们欠他30元买票的钱。I owe an apology to you. 我得向你道歉。 【拓展】owing to 因为Owing to the rain, the match was cancelled.比赛因雨取消了。17. equip v. 配备,装备equip sb./ sth. with sth.be equipped with sth. 装备有The soldiers were well equipped with the latest weapons.士兵们配备好了最新式的武器。【拓展】equipment U n. 设备,装备There is a lot of modern equipment in our school. 我们学校有许多现代化的装备。18. patience n. 耐心 He has no patience with people who are always grumbling.他腻烦那些总是发牢骚的人。 【拓展】 patient adj. 耐心的 be patient with 对有耐心 My English teacher is always patient with us. 我们的英语老师总是很耐心地对我们。19 grasp v. 抓住;全面理解 He grasped her firmly by the arm. 他紧紧地抓住她的胳膊。 I dont think youve quite grasped the seriousness of the situation. 我认为你对情况的严重性理解得还不够透彻。 【谚语】Grasp all, lose all. 样样都要,全数失掉。(意指:贪多必失。)20. percentage n. 百分比,百分率;好处; 佣金 The salesmen get a percentage on everything they sell. 这些推销员可从推销的商品上获得一定百分比的佣金。 【拓展】 percent (per cent) n. 百分之 Over 80 percent of families in our village own a car. 我们村百分之八十以上的家庭已有汽车。30 percent of work has been finished. 百分之三十的活已完成。21. in total 总共 Our school have 500 students in total. 我们学校总共有500个学生。
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