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初一英语2分钟学生演讲稿3篇 英语演讲,是指以英语为载体,针对某个话题发表自己的意见和看法,以此来影响、感染听众,达到一种宣传目的的交际活动。小编为大家整理了初一英语2分钟学生演讲稿3篇,欢迎大家阅读。初一英语2分钟学生演讲稿篇1 Youth is ot a i o lfe,it i state of mid ; it is ot roscheks , red lips nsupple kns, t is a ater of themoons : is he frshness ; ts the fshesofhe deep pngs of lfe oh an temperael predomnnce of corage over tidiy o the appeite, foraveure vr the love fease Thisften xits in ma of 60more than bo of 2 oboy gowld merely y a nuber ofyears . We grow old by deeri our ieas. arsinke h skn , bt to giv p enhsiasm wrnkles he soul . Worry , far , self nash;distrust bw the hert and turns thespiri ack to ds . Wheter of 6, thes in veryum being shet the ue owondrs, t unfailing childle apetite of hatsext and the jyo theaeo lvig. In th cene of ourt ndmyar thes awless statin:so lon as treceives mesages of beaty , hop,cer, couranower from men anfo he infnte,solog yo re young . hen th rialsare down , ad your sprit icovered wth sns ofcycimand the ie of pessimis, ten you r grwnold ,een at20 , bu as long your erials are p ,to atch aves o optiism , theres ope you madi youngat 80. Tha all !Thank you!初一英语2分钟学生演讲稿篇2veryoneha a ot o deams Some pple want to be ric,draming of becoing milnair venight. Otrs want tobe amos, dreami sdenlybeingfaousMy dream s to b a censt ike Hu Luoen future. think teietst is tebet ob f me.Agood sintist ca mk he wodhange a lot. f become a senit, I will akehe deset e verdwit geen tres an as, ak he ar nr aklace ad soon. Now, athough I on mddle hool studnt, I a inteetdin ah an yic. Maye Is have liteetivity. I ill tudy sciene arder darer. iev that&qut;hee thee s wll,where ther i a wa! &uo;If only I tr ar,y dawilcoe true.初一英语2分钟学生演讲稿篇3 euty usallyrefers o wha pl to the ey.A nic and wel utgr isregared as beautiful.A bnc f vigoouflws ar als cosidered s beafu. A splnidaterfall cming don frm aountiis as wllloed on as beautiful. eut al refer whatappals to th mind. The viruof th Chines tn-indsty ad braere takn abeutful, baue it helpe tprouce suc agnicent clre in the o. ntein&39; theoryof reltivty salso erceived aeauil, o itexlain mny natual phenmena o peretl Beaut is rond u If ou e an eye r pay some tteni, it s ver diffiultoid smethig buifu smewhe about you derful natral sts, historical relcs,fin arts, plendi bildig,and id poplere just few inhes awy.
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