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What were you doing when the rainstorm come?学案Section A Grammar Focus-4c姓名_ 班级_ 自评_Task 1 Write down the phrases.1. 在图书馆2. 在街上3. 去上班4. 等公共汽车5. 走路回家6. 在的时候7. 打篮球8. 弹钢琴Task 2 Fill in the blanks with “be”.1. I _ 16 years old this year.2. I _ 15 years old last year.3. How _ the weather today?4. How _ the weather yesterday?5. They _ good friends. 6. They _ good friends three years ago.Task 3 Complete the blanks.1.What _ (be) you _ (do) when he arrived?2. Jim _ (sleep) when I came in.3.They _ (watch) TV at 8:00 yesterday evening.Task 4 探究when 与while引导的时间状语的区别1)when和while讲解。(1) 主句(过去进行时) when + 从句(一般过去时)when表示“当的时候”。从句中既可用延续性动词,又可用非延续性动词,这些动词既可以表示动作,又可表示状态,常跟一般过去时。The boy was still sleeping when his mother got home yesterday morning.昨天早上当她的母亲到家时男孩仍然在睡觉。(2) 主句(一般过去时)+ while +从句(过去进行时)While表示“在的时候”“在期间”。while从句中必须是表示动作或状态的延续性动词,常跟过去进行时。The weather was fine while we were in Beijing.当我们在北京时天气很好。(3)主句(过去进行时)+ while +从句(过去进行时)表示两个同时持续的动作。I was doing my homework while he was listening to music. 我在做作业而他在听音乐。当.的时候whenwhile动词从句主句Task 5 Choose the correct answer.1. _ Jennifer was reading a magazine, her sister was listening to the pop music.A. While B. When C. What time2. I was trying to draw a cat on the board_ the teacher came in.A. whileB. when C. what time3. My best friend visited my house while I _ dinner in the kitchen.A. cooked B. cooking C. was cookingTask 6 WritingWhat were you doing at this time last Sunday? Write a short passage about it.
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