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新目标八年级上期末复习(9)一、单项选择1.- Could you please go to the Great Wall with me this Saturday,Dad?-_. I have to go on business.A. Sure B Sorry,I cant C No, you cant D Thanks,I will2.- What a hot day!How about going swimming after school?- _! Lets ask Dick to go with us.A.Thats right B. No problem C. Good luck D. Sounds great3.- Ben,would you like to play football with us?- _, but I have to wash the dishes first.A No,I cant. B I dont have to C Yes, please D Id love to4.It usually _ me fifteen minutes to walk from my home to school.A.spends B.takes C costs D has5.- How can I _ the machine ?I want to use it.- Sorry,I dont know ,either.Youd better ask that man.A.turn on B. turn off C. turn up D .turn down 6.- _ is the Olimpic Games held?- Every four years.A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far7.- Did your father finish writing his novel at last?Yeah.He finished it _ of last month.A. at the end B. by the end C. in the end D. on the end8- Tina is good at singing.- Then she can _ the singing competition.A .take on B. take up C. take part in D. take off9.- Im _ Beijing next Monday .- Really ?Have a good trip.A.coming from B.leaving for C.coming back D.having a trip10.Which sport do you think is _ in summer?- Swimming ,I think.And most people like water very much.A .less popular B. more popular C. most popular D the most popular11.- The bread looks delicious !Would you like to buy some?Id love to,but I dont have _ money with me now.A no B all C any D some12.- Mom,Im _ .Can I have a coke?- Why not drink some water?A thin B tired C thirsty D hungry13.- Where is Beijing?- Its _ the north of China.A in B on C to D at 14 - Do you know the saying “Youre never _ old _ learn .”?- Of course .We should keep on learing.A so, too B too, to C very ,and D much , to 15.Tony likes listening to music ,_ he hates practicing the violin.A but B so C and D or ( ) 26.-_ does your father do morning exercises?Hardly ever. A. How B. How often C. When D. What time( ) 27._is important for us _sports every dayA. It; do B. That; to do C. This; to do D. It; to do.( ) 28. - _ ? I have a sore back.A. Whats the wrong B. Whats matter C. Whats trouble D. Whats wrong( ) 29. Mr Green _for America the day after tomorrow. A. left B. leaves C. is leaving D. is going to leave ( ) 30. Im hungry. Would you please give me _to eatA. delicious something B. something delicious C. anything delicious D. nothing delicious( ) 31.Tom goes to school _every day. A. by a bus B. by his bike C. by buses D. on foot( ) 32. It _ my daughter half an hour _ her homework last night. A. takes, to finish B. took, finish C. took, to finish D. took, finished( ) 33.- Would you like to play football with us? -_. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, please. C. Yes, Id like to. D. Yes, Id like( ) 34.Her dress is _than _. A. more beautiful, mine B. more beautiful, my C. the most beautiful, I D. beautiful, me( ) 35. Its _ colder today than it was yesterday. A. very B. more C. much D. little( ) 36.- Lets make a banana milk shake. -_. A. Thats a good idea. B. Youre welcome C. Thank you. D. No, we dont.( ) 37.Put the ingredients in the container and _, please. A. mix up it B. mix it up C. mix up them D. mix them up( ) 38.The classroom is _small _hold (容纳) so many students. A. enough, to B. so, that C. too, to D. very, to( ) 39.There_ a wonderful football match between Spain and Italy next week. A. will have B. is going to have C. is going to be D. is( ) 40. Could you please sweep the floor? -_. Im busy with my homework. A. Yes, sure. B. Why not? C. Sorry, you cant. D. Sorry, I cant.二、26-30 BDDCB 31-35 DCCAC 36-40 ADCCD二、完型填空(A)Mrs Jack was always 41 lots of time and money in 42 the shopping. It was winter, Mrs Jack wanted to do a lot of shopping, she waited 43 it was Saturday when her husband was 44 , and she 45 him to the shops with her and 46 for everything. They went to a lot of shops and supermarkets, and Mrs Jack 47 a lot of things, and Mr Jack certainly had to 48 all these things. Mrs Jack often 49 and said, Look, Joe! 50 that beautiful! He then answered, All right, dear. How 51 is it? and took his money out to pay for it.It was dark
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