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Module7 Unit 1 He cant see.主备人:郑婷婷一、 教材分析本模块以对狗的描述引出了本模块的主要内容。标题为”He cant see”,明确地表明了本单元的主要内容为某人不能做某事的句型,本单元用Amy、Lingling、和Sam观看电视对狗的描述的情景,通过几人之间的对话,为我们提供了学习此句型的背景和材料。二、教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1)学习并能识别词汇:a lot /show /useful/presenter/blind/deaf/ hear/firefighter/hot dog/sausage.(2)学习并能运用句型:This man is blind ,He cant see. This girl is deaf, she cant hear.2、能力目标:能运用can, cant谈论自己或他人的能力。3、情感目标培养学生对动物的热爱,对残疾人要关心帮助,树立学生的爱心意识。三、教学重点及难点1.教学重点:(1)学习并能识别词汇:a lot /show /useful/ /presenter/blind/ deaf/ hear/firefighter/hotdog/sausage.(2)学习并能运用句型:This man is blind ,He cant see. This girl is deaf, she cant hear.2.教学难点通过can, cant能够熟练表达自己或他人的能力。四、教学过程Step1. Warming up1. Greeting. T: Hello, boys and girls. Im Ms Zheng.Ss: Hello, Ms Zheng.T: First, lets play a guessing game. OK?Ss: Ok.2. Play a guessing game.T: They are animals. They can run fast. They have short tails. They say “Woof, woof” What are they? Ss: They are dogs.T: Wow, you are so clever. Do you like dogs? If you do well, you can get some stickers about dogs. Come on! Now lets say a chant about dogs.3. Lets chant. (课本第一部分的chant) 学习单词 useful/a lot.Step 2 Lead inT:Dogs can do a lot. They are useful. What do you think about dogs? (学生畅所欲言)T: Dogs can do many things. So they are useful. Look, our friends Sam Amy and Lingling, they are watching a TV show about dogs. But what can dogs do in the TV show?Step 3 New TextT: What can dogs do? Lets watch. (播放课文动画)Ok, lets look at one picture by one picture. What cant he do? What does this dog do?What cant she do? What does this dog do? What did this dog do?(拓展:导盲犬:Guide Dog ;导聋犬:Seeing Eye Dog ;消防犬:Firehouse Dog) They are useful!3. T: They are useful! But can Sam have a dog? Lets listen and answer.Sam: Can we have a dog? Ms Smart: No, we cant. Im sorry. Here is your dinner, hot dogs.(T: Hot dogs: They are sausages and bread)4. Listen and repeat.5. Read in roles.Step 4 Practice1. Look and say.2. Lets talk.3. Do you know:T: They can help the poor! They can help the disabled! They can help the people in earthquake. They can take care of the children. They are good friends of the old! They are good friends of soldiers! But what did we do to the dogs? Catch the dogs. Kill the dogs. We also eat the dogs. They are homeless. Boys and girls, dogs are our friends! They need help!3.Written proposal.倡议书 T: Now lets do some actions to protect them. Work in groups and write a proposal.E.g. They are dogs. They can They can They are They are They need help! Please love them!Step 5 EmotionThe dogs can help a lot. And the other animals also too.T: The bear can help the people in the snow; The dolphins can help the people in the sea; The elephants can help the people in trouble. But the bears, they need help! The dolphins need help! And the elephants also need help! So please let our world fill in love! Step6 Homework1. Find more information about animals.(查阅更多关于动物的信息,并与同学们进行交流.)4. Make a poster of the dogs in groups.(小组合作,制作一张关于狗的海报.)板书设计: Module7 Unit 1 He cant see.This man is blind. He cant see. This girl is deaf. She cant hear.This dog helped the firefighters.
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