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重点英语词汇语法详解goofgoof英 uf美 ufn.错误;傻瓜;愚蠢的人v.消磨时间;闲荡;犯错;失误;过量服用;游手好闲;躲避责任;开小差;取笑;奚落复数: goofs第三人称单数: goofs现在分词: goofing过去式: goofed过去分词: goofed英文释义:1.intransitive (informal, especially North American English) to make a stupid mistake【不及物动词】(非正式用语,尤指北美英语)犯愚蠢的错误2.goof around (informal, especially North American English) to spend your time doing silly or stupid things游手好闲(非正式,尤其是北美英语)花时间做傻事或蠢事3.goof off (North American English, informal) to spend your time doing nothing, especially when you should be working游手好闲(北美英语,非正式用语)无所事事,尤其是在你应该工作的时候举个例子:1.Lets be honest, one explained, Im not goofing off or looking at Facebook, which I was.“老实说,”其中一人解释道,“我不像过去一样,不是在偷懒,也不是在看脸书。”2.That way, we wont have any regrets that we goofed around achieving nothing at all.那样的话,我们就不会遗憾整日闲混了无成就。3.Lets consult our first completely reliable source, the episodes IMDb Goofs page.我们查阅第一手可以信赖的资源,该剧在互联网电影数据库的穿帮页面。4.Why isnt he goofing around in his own office?他干嘛不在自己办公室瞎混?常用短语:Goof Troop: 高飞家族;高飞狗海贼岛大冒险goof off: 逃学;不尽职;一些无聊的事开玩笑;混日子goof up: 犯错;出岔子;出大错;翻译The Goof Troop: 高飞家族;高飞亲族goof-off: 偷懒耍滑头;推卸责任者Goof around: 不务正业;做愚蠢的事取乐;消磨时光;闲荡Goof Troop tv: 高飞家族tv版a real goof: 真够傻的词汇拓展:近义词n. fool, sap, saphead, muggins, tomfoolv. transgress, offend, infract, violate, go against, breach, break联想词goofy傻瓜的,愚笨的;笑;silly愚蠢的;silliness愚蠢;dumb哑的,无说话能力的;idiot白痴;joking戏谑的;joke玩笑,笑话;fool开玩笑;moron痴愚者;jerk肌肉抽搐;tear-jerker英文释义:n.Tears-jerking movie (novel or story)催人泪下的电影(小说或故事)举个例子:1.So a tear jerker is a book that pulls your tears out.所以催泪弹指的是让你流下眼泪的书。2.She said it was a real tear-jerker.她说那是真令人感伤的电影。3.She said it was a real tear-jerker.她说那是真令人感伤的电影。4.That movie certainly was a tear-jerker.那无疑是一部很令人感伤的电影。常用短语:Tear Jerker: 催人泪下的tear jerker movie: 催人泪下的电影tear-jerker detail: 让人掉泪的细节词汇拓展:近义词n. narrative, narration, story, tale联想词heartwarming暖人心房的;poignant尖锐的;melodrama情节剧;heartbreaking令人心碎的;heartfelt衷心的;bittersweet又苦又甜的;sentimental伤感的, 多愁善感的;ballad歌谣,民谣;suspenseful悬疑的,令人紧张的;corny谷类的;heartbreak心碎;flop英 flp美 flpv.沉重下坠;笨拙移动;垂落;彻底失败;演砸;扑通坐下;猛然倒下;休息;睡觉n.沉重、松散又笨拙的动作;扑通声;重坠声;彻底失败;廉价旅馆;便宜栖身处复数: flops第三人称单数: flops现在分词: flopping过去式: flopped过去分词: flopped英文释义:1. intransitive flop into/on something| flop (down/back) to sit or lie down in a heavy and sudden way because you are very tired【不及物】因疲倦而突然沉重地坐下或躺下2. intransitive + adverb/preposition to fall, move or hang in a heavy or awkward way, without control【不及物】不受控制地沉重或笨拙地落下、移动或悬挂3. intransitive (informal) to be a complete failure【不及物】(非正式)彻底失败举个例子:1.I was pooped and just flopped into bed.我筋疲力尽地倒在了床上。2.Im going to flop here for the night.今晚我在这儿过夜。3.I thought Id sort of flop back and be a vegetable for a bit.我想我会放缓一点,当一会儿闲人。4.The get-together was a complete flop and nobody enjoyed it.那次聚会是一个彻底的失败,人人都感到不愉快。常用短语:flip-flop: 触发器;正反器;复振器pre-flop: 翻牌前;底牌权;前翻牌圈;公共牌呈现以前的第一轮叫注belly flop: 跳水时腹部先落水;跳水笨动作;详细翻译Flip or Flop: 外婆之家;外祖母之家The Flop Cards: 悬牌Fosbury Flop: 背越式跳高;福斯贝里跳;详细翻译monostable flip-flop: 单稳态触发器;单稳态触发电路flip flop: 触发电路;触发器;双稳态触发器flip-flop register: 触发寄存器;触发器寄存器;触发式寄存器;触发器式寄存器词汇拓展:近义词n. computer operation, machine operation, failure, loser, nonstarter, unsuccessful person, descentv. collapse, fall in, cave in, give, give way, break, founder联想词flip轻击;box-office票房的;bluff虚张声势;blockbuster重磅炸弹, 了不起的人或事;以上是本文全部内容。
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