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毕业设计论文基于ProE的安全帽注塑模具设计及型腔仿真加工摘 要注射成型加工质量的优劣是塑料加工业技术发展水平的标志之一,同时反映了模具设计和制造的水平。详细介绍了安全帽注塑模具设计的整个过程。首先通过对塑件的结构和成型工艺分析,确定塑件的分型面与浇口结构;然后再进行模具零件设计,如成型零件、脱模机构等等。同时在整个设计过程中,还要通过计算机辅助工具Pro/E进行设计。重点阐述如何利用Pro/E软件,将注射成型中塑料熔体在型腔内充填模拟,通过对模拟结果的分析与评判,有效预防了原模具设计方案用于实际生产时可能出现的问题,以生产出合格的产品。本文主要讲述了安全帽注塑模的设计。内容包括制品材料的选择及材料性能的分析、注射机的选用、浇注系统、成型零件、冷却系统和抽芯机构的设计等部分。除此之外,还包括模具型腔的CAD/CAM部分,并利用先进软件将其加工部分直接生成NC文件。本文强调利用现代计算机辅助设计制造技术,运用了Pro/E、CAD/CAM等国内外著名软件进行辅助设计。既保证了产品的质量,还大大地提高了制造生产率,缩短了产品更新的周期。关键词:安全帽;注塑模;CAD/CAM;Pro/EABSTRCTInjection molding procesing quality is the one of symbols of the quality that plastic procesing industry and technogical devlepment.Also deflected the mold design and manufacturing level.Details on the entire procesing of the Brush Block Injection Mold Design.At the first,the structure of the parting line and sprue was determined based on the analysis of the structure and forming technology of the plastic.Then design for the mold parts,such as molding parts,demoulding mechanism,and so on.At the same time throughout the design process, through the computer aided design CAD and PROE tools.Details on how to use PROE tool.For simulating the filling process of plastic melts in the cavity of injection moulds. The analysis on the analog result can help effectively modify the design scheme and prevent the problems that may occur in the production And in the design of structure,The key points in designing the side core-pulling mechanism with gears and rack were stated in detail. The mould is compact in structure and effective in operation.This text mainly narrates the design of injection mould for a safety helmet, including the selection of product material and its property analysis, the selection of injection machine, the design of feed system, shaping part, cooling system and core pulling, etc. Besides this, it also covers the CAD/CAM for the mold cavity, and generating G-Code instructions for CNC machine by the advanced software. In this text, the author emphasizes the use of modern computer assisted design and manufacturing technology, and apply some famous software, such as Pro/E, CAXA, to design. Through this, it not only guarantees the performance, but also raises working efficiency greatly and shortens the production cycle.Key Words: safety helmet; injection mould; CAD/CAM. ;Pro/E目录1 塑料成型制品工艺性1.1塑料制品的设计依据及选材依据.41.2塑件的尺寸和精度.51.3塑件体积与质量估算.52 注塑机的选用及校核.62.1注塑机类型的选择.62.2注塑机有关工艺性参数的校核.63 浇注系统设计.93.1按制品特点选择浇注形式.93.2交口套是设计.94 成型零件的设计.11 4.1型腔数是确定.11 4.2成型零件的结构设计.11 4.3分型面的确定.11 4.4成型零件工作尺寸的设计.115 合模导向机构的设计.14 5.1导柱直径的计算及选用.15 5.2导套的设计.156 脱模机构的设计.16 6.1结构形式设计.16 6.2顶杆布置形式.16 6.3脱模力的计算.17 6.4推杆长度的计算.17 6.5推板厚度计算.17 6.6推杆强度计算与应力校核.177 冷却系统.19 7.1冷却通道的理论计算.198 侧向分型与抽芯机构设计.21 8.1侧向分型与抽芯机构的选用.21 8.2抽芯距的计算.21 8.3抽芯机构各尺寸的确定.21 8.4抽芯力及抽芯所需开模力的计算.22 8.5型芯机构布置设计及其它部件选材.229模架选择.23结论.24参考文献.25鸣谢.261、塑料成型制品工艺性对塑件进行测绘。由于该塑件大都为曲面,实际测量有一定困难所以采用多次取断面进行测量的方法。测绘好后用ProE软件进行三维造型。主要采用拉伸、旋转、扫描、混合及抽壳等步骤造型。造型结束后进行模具设计。下面选择注塑机,主要从注射量、锁模力等方面进行考虑。要确保塑件及浇注系统所需的注射量不超过注射机最大容量的80。接着对各个系统进行设计,首先是浇注系统。浇注系统分为主流道、浇口、冷料穴等
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