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上海牛津英语 6A Module 4 The natural world 单元:Unit 12 话题:The Earth (Period 2)教学目标:1.通过Ask and answer. 的问答活动,学生运用核心句型交流看法。2.通过Think and write. 的写作练习,学生综合本单元所学知识,运用核心句型提出环保行动建议。3.通过学习任务,帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识和技能。教学重点:句型:We should (do) We should stop (doing)情感态度:培养学生保护环境的意识,并知道保护环境应从个人做起。教学过程:Step1 Warm-up1、Free talk: talk about the EarthStep2. Pre-task preparations1. 观看视频2. 学生分角色朗读Look and read,引入本课的内容。学生用自己的话表述文章的核心内容,作为上一节课的复习。3. True or false学生根据对上节课的理解来进行判断。4、出示两段文字,学生齐读,教师揭示本课主题:How to save the Earth?While- task procedures1. 出示人们破坏自然资源的图片,并让学生列举生活中的类似现象,如白色污染,砍伐树木等,让学生根据地球污染的原因深入讨论,找出解决方案。T:Can we do anything to help the Earth?教师给出图片,学生可以根据图片进行回答,也可以根据自己的理解来表达。预设答案:We should stop cutting down so many trees. We should not litter.教师及时板书句型。2. Group-work:Ask and answerS1: What should we do to save the Earth?S2: We should plant more trees.S3: We should drive our cars less often.S4: We should stop cutting down trees.3. 学生以小组的形式,围绕地球、环境污染以及环境保护自编并表演对话,教师给出对话所涉及的内容,学生在组内自行组织对话。T: Now you are going to make dialogue about the Earth. In the dialogue, you need to talk about the Earth, pollution and the solutions to pollution. 然后,请各组学生表演对话,通过不同的对话表演来进行信息互补和评价。4.让学生观看地一些图片,说说看到了什么,然后讨论该如何保护环境。S1: What can you see on the Earth?S2: I can see some land.S3: I can see the oceans.S4: Whats the white part?S1: Its -Step 3 Post- task activities学生完成Think and write.的短文,写完以后可以在小组内交流。(教师可以将学生写的小短文装订在一起,做成一本班级环保小册子。)每个组请代表汇报。Step 4. Homework:Listen to and read Students Book page 80.Write down ten things we can do to save the Earth.3. Make a poster “The Earth is sick!”
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