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靖边五中八年级英语组教学设计第31课时 4 月7日 星期 日课题Unit4 Reading备课教师张瑞青授课教师张瑞青教学目标知识与技能1 remember the key words in this period.2 phrases3 to train students ability of reading comprehension and ability of writing.过程与方法Reading method.Discussing method.Writing method.情感态度与价值观Help those people who need help.教学重点Key vocabulary.教学难点Do some writing freely.教学准备教师准备A tape recorder. A projector. Survey papers.学生准备Previewing. 教学过程教师活动学生活动一、出示学习目标Show the learning aims to students, ask students to read them, and know what we will learn in this class.Let students look at the aims and know what we will learn in this class.二、出示自学指导Greet the class as usual and check the homework.Think of people who need help. Write some ideas and discuss them with your partner.Ask some students to write about. People who need help and something we can do for them on the board.C First ask students to read the words in the box.Then play the tape for students.Ask students to put the words in the box into the correct space as they read the text.Students read the text and do the activity.And then check the answers with the whole class.Reading strategyFirst read for meaning, not for detail. You can try to guess the meaning of a word only with the help of the context.CFirst show the charts on the screen. Then ask students what life is like for them and Yang Leis students. Have students complete the chart. Discuss the similarities and differences with their partners.Then ask students to work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions.Ask students to write a summary of the reading, using no more than 100 words.C Many people of all ages do volunteer work. The groups in the chart below help people or animals all around the world.Which one would you like to work for? Explain your reasons to the class.If time permits, ask students to imagine they are starting a new volunteer group, what would their group do? How would it help?Ask students to read the new words. Teach the new words and make sure students can understand the meanings.Ask students to work in pairs and discuss their ideas with their partners.In this activity, first ask four students to read the questions.Ask different students to say their ideas to the class.议课补充内容First show the charts on the screen. Then ask students what life is like for them and Yang Leis students. Have students complete the chart. Discuss the similarities and differences with their partners.三、自学检测Ask a few students to show their role plays to the class. Ask students to vote on the best role play. Encourage more students to show their role plays before the class.Ask a group to practice their own conversation to the class .议课补充内容Ask students to read the new words. Teach the new words and make sure students can understand the meanings.四、当堂训练 Ask students to talk to older brothers and sisters or older friends at school about their report cards. Have students learn how these students explain their report cards to family members. Ask students to write out some of these explanations in English and say these statements to the class. Have the students use bilingual dictionaries about how to say each comment before they say the comments to the class.五、课后小结This class weve learned a reading passage. And we know a program was started by the Ministry of Education and the Chinese Young Pioneers. Every year they send 100 volunteers to teach in Chinas rural areas.C当堂作业In a piece of paper.板书设计Unit 4 He said I was hard-working. ReadingShe said helping others changed her life.教后反思在自学导读的安排上,设计了大量的词汇训练,学生在上课前大多数都掌握本节课的词汇,所以本节课上起来很轻松。学生们的课堂任务也完成的很好。
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