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2022-2023高三上英语期末模拟试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1_ the deadline, the workers had to work overtime to get the job finished.AGivingBGivenCHaving givenDTo give2In the forest, sound is the best means of communication over distance _ in comparison with light, it wont be blocked by trees when travelling.Awhile BbecauseCwhen Dthough3U.S. President Barack Obama arrived in Chinas economic center Shanghai on Sunday night, November 15th2009, _a state visit to China.AstartingBstartedCto startDhaving started4lt was in December, 2018 _ Chairman Xi and President Trump met in Argentina.AwhenBthatCbeforeDsince5As is known, only hard leads to happiness.Awork BworksCworked Dworking6 worries the public that air pollution is becoming more and more serious these days.AItBThatCWhatDThis7Wolf Warrior 2, which _ the “Award for Best Visual Effects” at the Beijing Film Festival, indicates Chinas film industry has come of age.Awins BwonChas won Dhad won8From his expression, I dont think he could have finished his homework last night, _?Acouldnt heBdo ICdid heDhasnt he9People tend to love agricultural products _ without the use of fertilizers, pesticides or chemical additives.AgrowingBgrownCbeing grownDhaving been grown10Although passing the driving test _ be difficult now, its worth the efforts.AneedBshallCcanDshould11Please wear your best clothes on Monday, as your class photos _ then.Awill take Bwill be taken Chave taken Dhave been taken12 How do you find your new classmate? Oh, she is really _ of a musician, who can not only sing very beautifully, but also compose skillfully.AsomethingBsomebodyCeverythingDeverybody13I was caught in a traffic jam for over an hour, otherwise, I _ you waiting for such a long time.Ahad not keptBwill not keepCwould not have keptDhave not kept14The problem _he will have his college education at home or abroad remains untouched.Ahow Bwhether Cthat Dwhen15The project is far behind schedule. Its impossible for you to _ it in a week.Acatch uponBlive up toCadd up toDhold on to16Their products enjoy 30 percent _ of the market in this country because both the quality and their service are fine.Afeatures Bshares Cinterests Dsales17No one believes his reasons for being late that he was caught in a traffic jam, _ made him embarrassed.AitBwhichCthatDwhy18Taking drugs has become part of every sport _ athletes seek to achieve beyond their natural limits.AwhichBthatCwhoDwhere19Among the young people, there is a growing tendency _ money more highly than quality of life.AregardingBto regardingCto regardDregarded20Although Jane agrees with me on most points, there was one on which she was unwilling to _.Agive outBgive inCgive awayDgive off第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分) We all know the hard work that filmmakers and actors put in to provide us with entertainment, but it seems that even regular moviegoers like us have a big impact on how a movie turns out too. For decades now, film studios have used so-called test screenings to get feedback from members of the public before a movie comes out. While test audience members are usually asked to fill in a questionnaire after a screening, telling the film studio what they liked and didnt like, media giant Disney has come up with a more high-tech solution.According to a paper published this summer by the companys researchers, Disney is measuring test audiences reactions by using special cameras placed inside cinemas. Pairing the cameras with custom software, the company can track what each audience member is feeling at any point in the movie, from anger to joy. This works by mapping 68 different points on each audience members face. The cameras can see in the dark, and the software can figure out a persons mood based on the slightest of facial expressions.Its hoped that this new method will allow more detailed feedback from test audiences. Rather than relying on audience members to recall their feelings after the movies over, it can accurately read their reactions in real-time.Test screenings are highly valued in the movie industry, and several well-known movies have been greatly altered following feedback. Viewers of E.T., the Extra-Terrestrial (142), would have left the cinema feeling a whole lot differently if it werent for its test audiences feedback. “In one cut of the film that was tested, E.T. died instead of going home in his spaceship. You wont be surprised to hear that the test audience in qu
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