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昨天你们班就“Why should we learn English?”这一话题进行了一场激烈的讨论,结果如下表。请根据表格里的内容写一篇海报。TitleWhy should we learn English?Reasons1. 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,大多数商业信件,书籍,杂志都用英语书写。2. 学好英语可使我们更好的向国外学习先进经验:可以更快更好地学习 现代科学技术。3. 学好英语能更好地为祖国服务。4. 学习英语有时也是一大趣事。Conclusion我们应该努力学习英语注意:1. 词数120左右。2. 根据内容可适当增添细节。 Why should we learn English? English is one of the most widely used languages in the world. It is one of the working languages at international meetings and is more often used than others. Its said that most business letters was written in English. Millions of books and magazines are written in English, too. With the help of English, people in developing countries can learn a lot of advanced experience, modern science and technology faster and better from the developed countries. We can serve our country better with the help of English. Sometimes, learning is also great fun.假定你是一名高中生,一次一位外国朋友问你,除了在学校学习英语之外还有什么其它途径练习英语。请你根据提示用英语写出你参加“英语角” 的情况。提示:1、“英语角” 于两年前成立,许多中学生参加,有时也有些大学生和外国友人来此。2、活动时间:每周六上午。3、活动内容:练习英语口语,谈论大家共同感兴趣的事情,交流学习英语的经验等。4、谈你参加此项活动的体会。参考词汇:“英语角”:English cornerIm a senior student. I like English very much. Besides attending English lessons at school, I often go to the English corner in the park nears my home on Saturday morning. It was set up (formed) two years ago. Many high school students gather there. Sometimes, some college students and even foreign friends are present at the English corner. There, we practice our spoken English, talk about what we are interested in, exchange our experience in learning English and so on. Ive learned a lot. I have greatly improved myself in English since I visited it. It is really a great help to me.假定你叫王华,是南京25中学生,你的朋友李刚写信告诉你他学英语有困难,尤其是听的能力较差,写的能力也不够,请你于2004年2月2日回一封信,给他提出一些建议。提高听力的建议:每天听,别贪多,选择磁带由易到难。提高写的能力的建议:多读,好文章反复读,记日记(keep a diary)。1 用90个词左右。2 不要逐字翻译成英文。3 注意书信的格式。one possible version: No. 25 Middle School Nanjing Feb. 2nd, 2004Dear Li Gang,Thank you for writing to me. In your letter you told me about your problem with listening. I advise you to practice listening English for ten minutes every day. Choose tapes that are not too difficult. Later on you can practice with tapes that are more difficult.You asked me how to improve your writing. I suggest that you should first of all read as much as possible and read some good passages many times. Youd better keep a diary in English. Im sure youll improve your listening and writing soon. Best wishes! Yours, Wang HuaA friend of mine was taking an English lesson to class of foreign adultstudents. After placing quite a number of everyday objects. on a table, and he askedthem to give her the ruler, the book and”on. The class went very smooth and thestudents seemed interested in the work unless my friend tuned to an Italian studentand said, Give me the keys. The Italian looked surprising end somewhat at. a loss.Swing this, my friend thinks that the Italian hadnt heard him clearly. However, herepeated, Give me the keys. The Italian then kissed him on both cheek. 带二节书面表达(满分25分) 浪定你是李华,21st Century网站向你哟稿,请你介绍自己的暑期生活情况、请用英 语写一封邮件,就以下内容做简耍介绍, 写作要点, 1学习、上网; 2观看奥运节目: 3.旅游观光。 注毒 1.词段100左右; 2、可适当添加细节,以使行文连贯: 3.邮件开头和结尾已给出不计入总词数 A friend of mine was taking an English lesson to class of foreign adult giving a students. After placing quite a number of everyday objects on a table, and he asked them to give her the ruler, the book and so on. The class went very smooth and the him smoothlystudents seemed interested in the work unless my friend turned to an Italian student untiland said, “Give me the keys.” The Italian looked surprising and somewhat at a loss. surprised Seeing this, my friend thinks that the Italian hadnt heard him clearly. However, he thought Therefore repeated, “Give me the keys.” The Italian then kissed him on both cheek. cheeks Dear editor, Im Li Hua, a high school student. Id like to talk about my life during the summer vacation. I arranged a few hours a day for learning and sports. I also surfed the internet for an hour each day to learn whats going on around the world. Besides, watching the 2012 London Olympic Games on TV was a must for me, which I believe was a big event few wanted to miss. It was really exciting to see the fierce competition and each athlete was doing their best. Whats more, I went to several famous tourist attractions in China and Huangshan has left a deep impression on me with its fantastic view
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