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听力宝典初中语法内容复习21. My dictionary_, I have looked for it everywhere but still _it.A. has lost; dont findB. is missing; dont findC. has lost; havent foundD. is missing; havent found2. We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _office soon.A. leavesB. would leaveC. leftD. had left3. We could have walked to the station; it was so near. Yes, a taxi _at all necessary.A. wasntB. hadnt beenC. wouldnt beD. wont be4. If city noises _from increasing, people _shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.A. are not kept; will have toB. are not kept; have toC. do not keep; will have toD. do not keep; have to5. Tom _into the house when no one_.A. slipped; was lookingB. had slipped; lookedC. slipped; had lookedD. was slipping; looked6. The students_ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she _ in the office.A. had written; leftB. were writing; has leftC. had written; had leftD. were writing; had left7. We are proud of the achievements we _since liberation.A. madeB. have madeC. makeD. will make8. He says he _ the book several times in the past few years.A. has readB. had readC. readD. reads9. The egg must be bad. It _off a terrible smell.A. was givingB. gaveC. is givingD. is given10. The telephone _for two minutes before it was answered.A. has rungB. has been ringingC. had been ringingD. rings11. I _to Beijing only once before.A. wentB. have goneC. have beenD. was12. When are you going to meet him? As soon as I _my dinner.A. will finishB. finishC. am going to finishD. finishes13. By the end of last week we _the task ahead of time.A. completedB. have completedC. was completingD. had completed14. This time tomorrow I _to Shanghai.A. will flyB. would flyC. am going to flyD. will be flying15. I cant go swimming because I _my leg.A. brokeB. had brokenC. have brokenD. have been broken16. Im sorry but I _that you _a diary.A. dont notice; are writingB. dont notice; have writingC. didnt notice; wroteD. didnt notice; were writing17. I didnt know you _your raincoat here when you _to see me the other day.A. had left; had comeB. had left; cameC. left; cameD. left; were coming18. _ be careful when _your homework.A. Do; doingB. Do; doC. To; doingD. To; do19. Are you going to the meeting? No, the meeting _until next Monday.A. will be put offB. has been put offC. will put offD. has put off20. He insisted that he _ in good health.A. wasB. beC. isD. was being21. If the doctor _an hour earlier, the boy would have been saved.A. cameB. could comeC. should comeD. had come22. What do you think _to her? She must have lost the ticket.A. happenedB. had happenedC. will happenD. happens23. Dont be angry, _you?A. willB. wont C. doD. dont24. I dont know where he is. I might know now where he _ had I arrived here a little earlier.A. wasB. isC. should beD. must be25. He wrote to me _that he _ to see me in July.A. said; would comeB. said; will comeC. saying; would comeD. saying; will come26. Ill write to you as soon as I _.A. arriveB. will arriveC. am going to arriveD. am arriving27. No sooner _down _the doorbell rang.A. had I sat; whenB. did I sat; thanC. I had sat; beforeD. had I sat; than28. _this Street and you _there.A. Followed; will getB. Following; getC. Follow; will getD. Follow; get29. If she doesnt visit the doctor, _.A. neither will heB. neither wont heC. nor does heD. nor doesnt he30. No one _out the cause of the trouble in the machines until yesterday.A. has foundB. was findingC. had foundD. would find31. I wont believe you until I _you sing the song with my own eyes.A. heardB. will hearC. have heardD. had heard32. I _ a cold for several days. can you help me get rid of it?A. haveB. have hadC. had hadD. am having33. He _. The painting will be finished soon.A. has paintedB. paintedC. was paintingD. has been painting34. She said that he _ to Chengdu.A. has never beenB. had never beenC. will goD. would send35. Look! The boy you _in the park the other day _towards us.A. met; is runningB. had workedC. meet; will runD. has met; runs36. You must be very tired; you _for quite a long time.A. workedB. had workedC. has workedD. are working37. Have they started building a house for you? Yes, it _now.A. is buildingB. has buildC. has startedD. is being built38. May fifth is my birthday. I _a small party.A. will planB. am to planC. plannedD. am planning39. Tom _that
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