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小学英语四年级下册试卷 精选小学英语下册试卷三套【三套】,【导语】英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,所以掌握英语对以后的人生来说是必备的一项技能,不仅仅是应付眼前的考试,更是为了将来的人生多了一份选择,可以过自己想要的生活。以下是大整理的相关资料,希望对您有用。【篇一】听力部分:(46%)I.听录音,圈出听到的单词:(10%)1.hen pen2.big pig3.have has4.book look5.eyes ears6.window door7.tree three8.love live9.bear hear10.sheep shipII.听录音,圈出听到的句子:(6%)1.A.This is a dog.B.This is a pig.2.A.I can see an orange. B.I can see an apple.3.A.I live in Shanghai. B.I love Shanghai.4.A.Close the window, please. B.Open the window, please.5.A.Draw a duck on the paper. B.Draw a chick on the paper.6.A.There is a cat under the chair. B.There is a hat on the chair.III.听录音,圈出正确的应答句:(10%)1.A.I live in Beijing. B.Im from Beijing.2.A.Im five. B.Im fine.3.A.Yes, I am.B.Yes, I do.4.A.Its a square.B.Its blue.5.A.I hear a bird.B.I see a bird.VI.听录音,判断下列句子与听到的内容是否一致,用“”或“”表示:(10%)1.I can see a panda. ( )2.Look at the chick.Its yellow. ( )3.The l is on the bed.( )4.A rubber is on the desk.( )5.Clean the desk, please.( )VII.听录音,连线:(10%)1.big and brown2.fat and pink3.4.black and white5.tall and grey笔试部分:(54%)I.书写,按字母表顺序写出dn的字母:(6%)II.根据例词,写出下列物体的颜色:(6%)例:tree-green4.sun (太阳) -III.根据例词,将下列单词分类:(12%)二年级第二学期英语期中测试题:单词分类ice-cream tiger pear pen biscuit postmanpurple doctor brown ruler cow peach1.panda:2.lemon:3.cake:4.policeman:5.black:6.pencil:IV.选择:(10%)( ) 1.Who is he? He is( ) 3.I live( ) 4.Look! This is my sister and this is( ) 5.I likeB./( ) 8.C.What colour( ) 9.Is your mother a good teacher? Yes,.A.she isB.he isC.I am( ) 10.Its very cold.Put onV.根据下列情景选择正确的句子:(10%)1.你想问别人看到了什么,可以问:( )A.What do you hear?B.What do you see?2.你不喜欢冬天,可以说:( )A.I dont like winter. B.I like winter.3.你叫别人不要在草地上行走,可以说:( )A.Dont walk on the grass. B.Dont walk on the ground.4.上课时,老师请同学们仔细听,可以说:( )A.Listen to me. B.Look at me.5.告诉别人你要吃冰淇淋,可以说:( )A.I like to eat ice-cream.B.I have an ice-cream.VI.根据答句选择正确的问句:(10%)( ) 1.Yes, its under the tree.A.Is the star on the tree?B.Is the star under the tree?( ) 2.Yes, I do.A.Do you like the snowman?B.May I have a hot dog?( ) 3.I can swim.A.What can you do?B.What can Spotty do?( ) 4.Its brown and yellow.A.What clour is it?B.What is this?( ) 5.She is my sisiter.A.Who is she?B.What is she?【篇二】一.听力部分(40%)1.Listen and circle(听录音,圈出听到的字母)10%2.Listen and tick(听录音,勾出正确的图片)10%1)2)( )( )( )( )3)4)( )( )( )( )5)6)( )( )( )( )7) 8)( )( )( ) ( )9)10)( )( )( ) ( )3.Listen and tick(听录音,勾出听到的句子)10%1) ( ) A.Thats a bird.( ) B.This is a bin.2) ( ) A.Open your present.( ) B.Give me a present.3) ( ) A.Say hello to me.( ) B.Say thank you.4) ( ) A.The boy is swimming.( ) B.The boy is sleeping.5) ( ) A.This egg is for you.( ) B.This apple is for me.6) ( ) A.What do you see?( ) B.What can you do?7) ( ) A.Get out of the car.( ) B.Get off the bus.8) ( ) A.I like this dress.( ) B.I like these sweets.9) ( ) A.Which man is your father?( ) B.Which man is your brother?10) ( ) A.Is Sam on the green bus?( ) B.Is Tom on the blue bus?4.Listen and fill (听录音,选择并填入听到的词)10%1)Do you like the _(soupjuice)?2)I write _(whatwith) my hand.3)_(WhereWhat) class are you in?4)May I have a _(birdshirt)?5)Please get off the _(carcard).6)What do you _(seehear)?7)Walk like a _(catkite).8)This is a _(pencilpanda).9)Where do you _(lovelive)?10)Draw the dog _(onunder) the book.二.阅读部分:60%1.Think and write(想一想,写出下列小写字母的邻居)10%1) _c _ 2) _r _3) e _4) i _ 5) _z2.Finish the words (完成下列单词) 15%s_a(海洋) u_b_ell_(伞) tr_(树) sw_n_(荡秋千) m_n_e_(猴子) w_k(走路) gr_s_(草)3.Read and circle (读单词,圈出不同类的词) 10%4.Read and judge(读句子,用“”或“”判断句子内容是否与图片一致)5%1) ( ) I see a big elephant.2) ( ) May I have a hot dog?3) ( ) Dont climb the tree.4) ( ) I go to Shanghai by van.5) ( ) I see a long pencil.5.Read and choose(选择填空)10%1) ( ) There _2) ( ) _3) ( ) I have two _in my pencil-bo_.A.rubber B.rubbers C.a rubber4) ( ) Dont walk _5) ( ) Dont _6) ( ) I see _7) ( ) There _9) ( ) _10) ( ) _6.Read and fill(选择并填入正确的单词。)5%1) I see a _(pandapandas).2) There is some _(milkmilks) in the bowl.3) There is a _(shirtshirts) on the bed.4) There are some _(boyoys) in the room.5) May I have three _(appleapples)?7.Read and f
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