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解读宝马环保洗车新理念Reading new concept BMW car environmental washing protection 宝马在中国首家5s中心落成以来,受到全球汽车行业的高度关注。其注重环保理念的全新思路让同业纷纷跟进效仿。宝马汽车在中国拥有良好的高端客户基础,凭借优异的操控性能成为爱车人士首选品牌。BMW has build up the first 5s center in China, receiving high degree concern from the global automotive industry. The new ideas of new concept of environmental protection make the industry emulate following. BMW has a good high-end customer base in China,due to excellent handling performance , and become the preferred brand by people. 同样,宝马近年来在全球的发展开始注重环保方面的落实与实施。环保理念一直延展至洗车服务等诸多细节服务上来。2011年,宝马对于环保洗车机的考量就已经开始了,针对全球自动洗车机设备提供商进行了严格的筛选。在这期间,欧德巴斯这个国际上拥有良好口碑的品牌开始进入宝马首选的品牌之一,加之欧德巴斯旗下德宝洗车机先后服务于全球多家顶级汽车品牌和独有的环保设计开发能力,被宝马认定为自动洗车机以及洗车循环处理设备提供商。meanwhile, i in recent years., BMW begun to focus on the implementation of the environmental protection in the global development . concept of environmental protection has been extended to the car wash service and many other details of the service. In 2011 year, BMW has begun a rigorous screening for the consideration of environmental protect car washing machine and selected strictly automatic washing machine from the global equipment providers. During this period, Autobase has a good reputation in the international brand and enter into one brand of the BMW of choice, and Autobase TEPO-AUTO car washing machine has served in many worlds top automotive brands and unique environmental design capabilities, identified for providers by BMW for automatic car washing machine and water recycling equipment 德宝洗车机让宝马这个国际知名品牌成为洗车设备首选的提供商,这归功于德宝洗车机优异的技术基础及节能环保技术的应用等诸多方面,在加上德宝洗车机品牌文化与宝马文化相互匹配性上有诸多的共同点。宝马,这个高端汽车领域的领军品牌让我们感知每一个细节的差异化、专业化理念的根深蒂固,使得新技术得以有效发挥。TEPO-AUTO made the international famous brands BMW to become as the preferred provider of car wash equipment, Attributed to TEPO-AUTO Car washing machine excellent technical infrastructure and saving energy technology and other aspects, plus TEPO-AUTO car washing machine brand culture match BMW cultural and have a lot of common point. BMW, this leading brand of high-end automotive make us feel every detail of the differentiation and specialization concept of deep-rooted, making the new technology to be effective. 以上视频为宝马北京5s中心实景拍摄 Above video is made in BMW 5S shop 欧德巴斯旗下德宝自动洗车机为宝马提供的配套机型为tepo-auto-tp1201-1 . 设备有效工作长度为20米。具备轮胎轮毂的同步清洗功能、整车包裹式刷洗功能、高压水包围式冲洗功能、车辆底盘冲洗功能、彩色蜡喷洒功能、自动仿行风干功能、自动擦干功能、自动流水线输送功能、污水循环处理利用等诸多世界领先的洗车功能。Autobases TEPO-AUTO Car automatic washing machine supply models tepo-auto-tp1201-1 for BMW. Equipment effective working length is 20 meters. with the tire / wheel cleaning function, the vehicle wrapping washing , high-pressure water spraying washing, vehicle chassis wash, triple color wax spray features, automatic modeling air dry function, auto-wipe function, auto assembly line washing function, sewage Water recycling Equipment and these functions. 上图为欧德巴斯为宝马北京5s中心配备的德宝全自动洗车机设备现场 Above photos are TEPO-AUTO Car Washing machine for BMW Beijing 5S shop by AUTOBASE此次配备的德宝自动洗车机同时肩负着宝马以及劳斯莱斯两大顶级品牌的清洗任务,为宝马全球环保理念的实施做出应有的贡献。因为宝马的高标准、高要求,才能体验到德宝自动化洗车机的专业化高端车辆清洗的理念有所不同。This is equipped TEPO-AUTO automatic car washing machine bear two cleaning tasks of two top brands of BMW and Rolls-Royce in the same time , and make contributions to BMW concept implementation of global environmental Protection . Due to BMWs high standards and high demand, then you can feel TEPO-AUTO automatic car washing machine professional high-end vehicles washing concept. 上图为宝马北京5s中心俯视图全貌 The Beijing BMW 5S center top view
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