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高三英语上学期第五次周清 命题人:袁伟芳 审题人:莫颖花 2012-10-16班级_姓名_ 分数_第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分45分)第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.Excuse me, what can I do for you?Yes. Id like to place _ advertisement for _ used car in your paper. A. the; a B. an; / C. an; a D. /; the22. We got lost in the forest and decided to remain _ we were and waited for rescueAhow Bwhat Cwhere Dwho23. _ good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Shandong CuisineAFar from BRegardless of C. Instead of DApart from24. Advertising can influence consumers moods, _, in turn, can influence consumers reactions to products. A. that B. which C. where D. when25. Both Class 3 and our class wont be able to finish the work unless they _ each other.A. team up with B. come up with C. put up with D. catch up with26. A fire broke out in the building at 7:30 on Tuesday morning, _ in the death of a young girl.A. having resulted B. resulted C. being resulted D. resulting27. The survey _ in our school last month shows that about three percent of the students are addicted to the Internet games. A. conducted B. was conducted C. conducting D. to be conducted28. Im trying to find yesterdays newspaper. Have you seen it?Im afraid that I _ it away. I thought you had finished reading it. A. threw B. had thrown C. throw D. will throw29. The money collected should be made good use _ the people who suffered a lot in the earthquake.A. of helping B. to helping C. to help D. of to help30.What happened to the young trees we planted last week?The trees _ well, but I didnt water them.A. might grow B. neednt have grown C. would have grown D. would grow 31. Not only _ a promise, but she also kept it.A. did she makeB.she madeC. does she makeD. had she made32. You can only be sure of_ you have at present; you cannot be sure of something _ you might get in the future. A. that; what B. which; that C. /; that D. what; /33. After several rounds of competition, the little girl _ because of her excellent spoken English and quick response.A .put out B. picked out C. broke out D. stood out34. _ help if you can, and our country will improve more quickly and better.A. Giving B. Give C. Given D. To give35. As a typist, the most important aspect of the job is to be able to type quickly and _.A. faithfully B. actually C. roughly D. accurately 第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。Children find meanings in their old family tales. When Stephen Guyers three children were growing up, he told them stories about how his grandfather, a banker, 36 all in the 1930s, but did not lose sight of what he valued most. In one of the darkest times 37 his strong-minded grandfather was nearly 38 , he loaded his family into the car and 39 them to see family members in Canada with a 40 ,“there are more important things in life than money. ” The 41 took on a new meaning recently when Mr. Guyer downsized to a 42 house from a more expensive and comfortable one. He was 43 that his children, a daughter, 15, and twins, 22, would be upset. To his surprise, they werent 44 , their reaction echoed (共鸣) their great-grandfathers. What they 45 was how warm the people were in the house and how 46 of their heart was accessible. Many parents are finding family stories have surprising power to help children 47 hard times. Storytelling experts say the phenomenon reflects a growing 48 in telling tales, evidenced by a rise in a storytelling events and festivals. A university 49 of 65 families with children aged from 14 to 16 found kids ability to 50 parents stories was linked to a lower rate of anger and anxiety. The 51 is telling the stories in a way children can 52 . Were not talking here about the kind of story that 53 , “When I was a kid, I walked to school every day uphill both ways, barefoot in the snow. ” Instead, we should choose a story suited to the childs 54 , and make eye contact (接触) to create “a personal experience”,. We dont have to tell children . 55 they should take from the story and what the moral is . ” 36. A. missed B. lost C. forgot D. ignored 37. A. when B. while C. how D. why 38. A. friendless B. worthless C. penniless D. homeless 39. A fetched B. allowed C. expected D. took 40. A. hope B. promise C. suggestion D. belief 41. A. tale B. agreement C. arrangement D. report
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