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.wd.计算机科学与技术专业本科培养方案Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Computer Science and Technology一、培养目标 Educational Objectives本专业按照“加强基础,拓宽专业,强化能力,提高素质,突出特色的人才培养指导思想,培养德、智、体全面开展,结实掌握计算机软硬件 基本理论和计算机应用的 基本技能,工程实践与应用能力强,能适应社会开展需要和计算机科学技术快速开展需要,具有分析问题和解决问题的能力、知识自我更新能力和创新思维,可在科研机构、高等院校、企事业单位从事计算机硬件的设计、安装、调试与维修,计算机系统软件的研制及计算机应有软件的分析、开发和维护以及从事计算机网络的开发、管理与维护,也可以从事计算机教学、研究工作,具有创新精神和实践能力的应用型高级专门人才。Based on reinforcing foundation, expanding specialty, strengthening capability, improving quality and outstanding features guidelines, the training goal of the computer specialty is to educate the advanced engineered and applied specialty persons who develop comprehensively in virtue, wisdom and body with innovative spirit and practical ability, and can tightly grasp the basic theory of computer hardware and software and the basic skill of computer application. The persons should have high engineering practice and applied capability and can adapt to the developing requirement of society and computer science and technology. They have the abilities of analyzing and dealing with problem, updating knowledge and innovating idea. They can do such jobs such as designing, installing and maintaining computer hardware, developing computer system software, analyzing, developing and maintaining computer application software, designing, managing and maintaining computer network, teaching and studying computer in scientific research institutes, colleges and enterprises.二、培养要求 Skills Profile本专业毕业生应系统地掌握坚实的理论和专业知识,具有较强的分析问题和解决问题的能力,能够适应社会开展的需要,具有在计算机科学技术相关领域从事技术开发、管理、维护、教学和科学研究工作的能力。具体表达在以下几个方面。1具有良好的思想政治素质,热爱祖国,拥护中国共产党的领导,有为国家富强民族兴盛而奋斗的强烈事业心和责任感。2具备较好的人文、艺术和社会科学基础,初步树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,具有良好的道德修养、文化素养和安康的身体心理素质。3系统地掌握本专业领域的 基本理论、 基本知识,以及计算机系统的分析和设计的 基本方法。4具有从事工程开发的坚实的专业基础知识,初步掌握本学科工程技术工程的思想、方法、技术路线;具有标准的工程素质,动手能力强,掌握多种专业技能。5具有一定的计算思维能力、算法设计与分析能力、程序设计能力、计算机系统的认知、分析、设计和应用的能力。6具有主动学习、概括总结和信息获取能力,良好的文字和口头表达能力,创新意识和创新思维。7了解与计算机行业相关的法规和计算机科学与技术的开展动态,具有学习跟踪新技术的能力。8较好掌握一门外语,熟悉文献检索、资料查询的 基本方法,具有获取信息的能力。The specialty graduates can systematically grasp firm theory and professional knowledge, and they must have the abilities of analyzing and dealing with problems to fit in with the needs of the society. They can be engaged in developing, managing, maintaining, teaching and investigating work in computer science and technology fields. The following represents these concretely.1. The graduates have good ideological and political quality. They love motherland and support the leading of Chinese Communist, and they have high enterprise and resonsibility of striving for the country and nation flourishes.2. The graduates have fine basis of division of humanities, art and social science and a preliminary correct world view, philosophy and sense of worth. They have nice moral cultivation, culture literacy and healthy body and mentality.3. The graduates can systematically grasp basic theory and knowledge and basic method of analyzing and designing computer system.4. The graduates have firm and professional basic knowledge for developing engineering, and they can initiatively grasp the idea, method and technology route of the engineering technology items. And, they also posses normative engineering quality, high practice performance and several professional skills.5. The graduates have some abilities of computational thinking, designing and analyzing algorithm, developing program, learning, designing and applying computer system.6. The graduates have abilities of learning on their own initiative, summarizing, obtaining information, nice writing and oral expressing, and they should hold innovative consciousness and idea.7. The graduates should understand the rules of computer industry and the development of computer science and technology, and they should have the ability of learning and tracing new technology. 8. The graduates can grasp a foreign language and know basic method of document indexing and data query, and they have obtaining information ability.三、专业特点Characteristic Specialty本专业是一个强化基础、面向应用、加强实践、分类培养,以应用为主的宽口径专业,培养能从事计算机软件、网络系统设计、开发和研究的高级工程技术人才。计算机科学与技术专业从第六学期开场,设有网络工程、软件工程两个专业模块方向,指导学生根据自身开展方向选择。课程体系贯彻理论与实践并重、知识与能力并重的原则,强化计算机工程实践能力的多方面训练,注重创新性思维的开发,培养学生既具有扎实的理论和专业知识,又具有开拓性、创造性解决工程实际问题的能力。The specialty is a wide borne specialty which is strengthening basis, facing application, intensifying practice and classified training. The training goal is to educate senior engineering technology persons who can develop and investigate computer software and network. From the sixth term, computer science and technology specialty sets two module directions which are network engineering and security and database and software engineering. The class system carries out the rules of laying equal stress on theory and practice, knowledge and capability. It strengthens several trainings of computer engineering practice and emphasizes development of innovating
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