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Beautiful Spring 美丽的春天Beautiful spring is here. 美丽的春天来了。The winter is gone. 冬天走了。But the birds are back. 但是鸟儿回来了。The snow is gone. 雪花走了。But the flowers are back. 但是花儿回来了。Old coats are gone. 旧衣服走了。But new ones are here. 但是新衣服来了。Spring is a beautiful time. 春天是美丽的时间。WeatherWeather is hot,Weather is cold,Weather is changingAs the weeks unfold.Skies are cloudy,Skies are fair,Skies are changingIn the air.It is raining,It is snowing,It is windyWith breezes blowing.Days are foggy,Days are clear,Weather is changingThroughout the year!The Playful WindThe wind came out to play todayIt blew the clouds out of its wayIt blew the leaves, and away they flewThe trees bent low, and their branches did too.Little Raindrop The sun is high up in the sky. Suddenly a dark cloud comes sailing by. The raindrops are pattering down, Watering the grass on the ground.The RainPitter-patter, raindrops,Falling from the sky;Here is my umbrellaTo keep me dry!When the rain is over,And the sun begins to glow,Little flowers start to bud,And grow and grow and grow!CloudsWhite sheep, white sheepOn a blue hill,When the wind stopsYou all stand still,You walk away slow.White sheep, white sheepWhere do you go?WindWhoosh! Whoosh!Whoosh!Feel the wind push!Blow! Blow! Blow!Whered my hat go?Rain, rain go away,Come again another day,Little (childs name) wants to play.Rain, rain go to Spain,Never show your face again.Rain ,Rain Falling DownRain, rain falling down,Falling on the ground.Pitter,patter, pitter,patter,What a lovely sound.When I Look Into the Sky(tune: Twinkle,Twinkle, Little Star)When I look into the sky,I can see the clouds go by.They dont even make a sound,Letting wind push them around.Some go fast and some go slow,I wonder where the clouds all go.You Are My SunshineYou are my sunshine,Bright, yellow sunshine.You bring me sunlightAll through the days.You help the seasons go,You make the plants grow.Please be my sunshine always.Weather Song(tune:Frere Jacque)It is snowing, it is snowing,On the street, round our feet.See the snowflakes blowing.Look at the drifts a-growing.Its so cold, its so cold.It is sunny, it is sunny,Clear and bright, a lovely sight.Feel the sun a-glowing.Look at flowers growing.Nice and warm, nice and warm.It is raining, it is raining,All around, all around.See the drops of rain.On the windowpane.Rainy day, go away.Mr. SunOh, Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. Golden sunPlease shine down on me.Oh, Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. Golden SunHiding behind that tree.These little children are asking youPlease come out so we can play with you.Oh, Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. Golden sunPlease shine down on me.It is Raining(Tune to Frere Jacques)It is raining, It is rainingOn my head, on my head.Pitter Patter rain drops.pitter patter rain drops,Im all wet. Im all wetSnowflakes, SnowflakesSnowflakes falling one by one,Time to play and have some fun.Build a snowman and snowballs, too,Come and see what you can do.Snowflakes falling one by one,Time to play and have some fun.Snowflakes Falling(tune:Up on the Housetop)Snowflakes are falling on the groundOn our houses and in our townOn my nose and in my hairSnowflakes are falling everywhere.Oh, oh, oh, out we goOh, oh, oh, in the snowMaking snowmenSliding, too,There are lots of things to do.WEATHER Whether the weather be fine Or whether the weather be not, Whether the weather be cold Or whether the weather be hot, Well weather the weather Whatever the weather, Whether we like it or not. Rainy Day Song Start from standing position. Throughout raise and lower arms while fluttering fingers.Its raining hard, And people say,Its raining catsAnd dogs today.Its raining cats.Meow, meow.Meow loudly. Its raining puppy dogs.Bow-wow. Bark loudly. January ThawThe sun came outForm circle with arms and lift them high.And the snowman cried.Boohoo loudly. His tears ran downMove fingers slowly down cheeks.On every side.His tears ran downBoohoo loudly. Till the spot was cleared.He cried so hardTill he disappeared. Sink to floor.White SnowThe snow is white and clean.It makes a lovely scene.It covers cars, and trees, and streets, and makes the world go hush.It looks so very prettyuntil it turns to slush!RainThe rain is raining all around,it falls on field and tree.It rains on the umbrellas here,And on the ships at sea.Snow WordsSnow jacket, snow bootsSnow pants, snow suits,Snowflakes, snowstormSnow is cold, but we feel warm.Four SeasonHi! Im Mac the apple tree.I lik
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