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六年级英语U5周考卷班级 姓名 成绩 听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词(10分)(听两遍)( ) 1. A. sign B. see C. sing D. song( ) 2. A. wear B. wore C. was D. were( ) 3. A. little B. litter C. letter D. front ( ) 4. A. wait B. wet C. wallet D. home ( ) 5. A. park B. paper C. play D. party( ) 6. A. parrot B. part C. party D. parent( ) 7. A. 6:05 B. 6:15 C.5:45 D. 5:55( ) 8. A. laugh B. little C. lose D lost( ) 9. A. go well B. go in C. go shopping D. go on( )10. A. National Day B. Childrens Day C. Women s Day D. Christmas二、听录音,选择正确的答句。(5分)(听两遍)( )1. A. I walked in the park. B. Yes, I did. C. No, I didnt.( )2. A. No, I didnt. B. I liked it. C. I did.( )3. A. Yes, I were. B. Yes, I was. C. I was sad.( )4. A. Helen can. B. She does. C. Yes, she can.( )5. A. Yes, there were. B. Yes, they were. C. Yes, there was.三、听录音,根据所听的内容判断正(T),误(F)(5分)(听两遍)( )David gets up at seven thirty.( )David has breakfast at home.( )Nancy has nine subjects at school.( )Nancy likes English and Science.( )David like growing flowers.四、听录音,完成短文,每空一词。(10分)(听三遍)1. Heres a . What does it mean, Mike?It you cant here. 2. There is a .Helen to go in.3. Now they are eating some in a restaurant4. Is someone ? I can it.5. Please dont here. Can you see sign? 笔试部分(70分)一、英汉互译。(10分)1. 在购物中心 _ 2.移动电话_3. 小心 _ 4. 禁止乱扔杂物 _5. 一家果汁商店 _ 6. 许多标志 _7. 小心地滑 _ 8. 把果汁带进商店_9. in a restaurant _ 10. No dogs _二、按要求写单词(10)1. litter(改一字母成另一单词) 2. take(过去式) 3. this(复数) 4.here(反义词) 5.smoking(原型) 6. mean(三单) 7.shouldnt(完整形式) 8.eat(分词) 9. careful(副词) 10.say(过去式) 三单项选择。(10分)( ) 1. Where Su Hai and her cousin last weekend? A. was B. is C. were( ) 2. What do you usually do National Day ? A.on B.at C.in( ) 3.What _the sign _A. do. mean B.does, means C.does, mean( ) 4. I like _TV. I_TV last night.A watching; watch B watching; watched C watched ;watching,( ) 5. I to the party last weekend . A.didnt go B.didnt went C.wasnt go( ) 6. What _these signs _? Ado ; mean B. does mean C.does. means( ) 7. The old man walked _on the wet floor. A.careful B. carefuly C carefully( ) 8. It was time _ play games.A. to B. for C. on ( ) 9. It was yesterday and we flew our kites high in the sky.A.rainyB.windy C.cloudy( ) 10. My grandpa wrote a letter _his old friend. A. in B. on C.to四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1_ it _ (mean) No swimming? 2.He _ (write) an email to his friend now.3. Dont _ (run) in the classroom now.4.The sign on the wall _(mean) Danger.5. We went _ (fish) with my friends this morning.6. Mike should _ (ride) bikes at once.7. We _ (watch) a film every Sunday .8. What_(do) No_(park) mean? 五、从栏中选出栏相对应的答句。(10分) ( ) 1. What did you do last Sunday ? A. Yes, I was( ) 2. Where did Mike go ? B. Yes, it was.( ) 3. Did you see my English book? C. I made new clothes for my doll.( ) 4. Where were you last night ? D. I was in Nancys house. ( ) 5. Why did you call him ? E. He went to the park . ( ) 6. What day is today? F. Yes, its near the desk.( ) 7. Can you see those paper? G. No.I cant.( ) 8. Were you at home this morning? H. Today is Wednesday.( ) 9. Whats Su Yang looking for? I. She is looking for her bag.( ) 10. Was it rainy yesterday? J. Because I wanted to ask him a question.六、按要求改写句子。(10分)1.Tom can write now.(用last year 替换now)Tom _ _ last year2.It means “No littering”.(划线提问)What _it_?3. He wore a lot of bottles.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _ a lot of bottles?4.Dont litter here(
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