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M7U4 Sharing 教案设计者:江西省鹰潭一中倪俊教材分析本节课是Warming Up 和Using Language的整体阅读。本单元以Sharing“分享”为中心话题,Warming Up 以Michael Jackson 的英文歌曲 We Are The World 进入课堂,并引出课文主题giving和sharing .然后通过回答问题及描述图片的方式得出志愿者的定义及可以做的事情。Using Language中读和说部分“The worlds most useful gift catalogue”首先呈现给学生一个网页,同构图文结合的方式,介绍了一些特殊的礼品为穷人和真正需要它们的人选购礼品,让学生在选择的过程中体会Sharing的重要性。学情分析采用与新课程目标要求相一致的新的教学方式,着重从激发调动学生兴趣出发,引导学生掌握科学的阅读技巧,从而获取大量的知识和信息内容。引导学生积极发言,在同学与同学之间,同学与教师之间的互动中实现教学任务和目标,同时采用剧情表演的方式让学生将肢体语言运用于日常生活,提高综合语言运用及表达能力。设计思想在Warming Up中我运用多媒体播放Michael Jackson的英文歌曲We Are The World进入新课,使课堂充满了欢乐的氛围并自然引出本课主题“分享”。然后通过回答问题及描述图片的方式得出志愿者的定义及可以做的事情。最后通过提问;Do you want to send a gift or something to the people in the poor areas or countries?以及如何选择礼物 从而自然过渡到Reading .在Using Language的reading过程中进行Fast Reading,detailed Reading及Careful Reading,着重从学生的实际出发,侧重组织安排各种形式的课堂活动,精心设计各种练习,各种学生口语表达的机会,遵循由易到难,由浅入深,循序渐进的过程,调动学生的积极性,激发学生去思考,深化对课文内容的理解。最后,组织学生进行“Interview and Speaking ”的活动,并叫几组同学上台表演,活跃了课堂气氛,寓教于乐。教学目标和要求知识目标1. Get student to learn the new words : volunteer,voluntary,contribution,Sharing,anniversaries and so on .2.Let students learn about the knowledge on volunteer and sharing .能力目标1.Improve students spoken English .2. Enable the students to do something for others.情感目标1.Arouse students great interest in the sharing.2.Develop students sense of cooperative learning .教学重点1.Practice the students spoken English.2.Develop their ability of choosing the useful gift and helping others.教学难点1.Cooperative learning .2.If something unexpected happened and how can I handle it .教学方法1.Task-based teaching and learning .2.Cooperative learning 3.Group work 教学过程I.Warming upStep1.Lets enjoy a happy English songWe Are The Worldby Michael Jackson and know the theme of the song- sharing and giving.Step2:Question:What is a volunteer?以问题及描述图片方式让学生明白什么是志愿者的定义及可以做的事情Step3:通过提问;Do you want to send a gift or something to the people in the poor areas or countries?以及如何选择礼物 从而自然过渡到Reading .【设计说明】设计意图:运用多媒体播放英文歌曲We Are The World,使课堂充满了欢乐的氛围并自然引出本课主题“分享”。以图片展示的方式能够激发学生的学习兴趣。II. Using Language Step1:Fast Readingwhat is this internet page made up of?及Fill in the blanks【设计说明】让学生听课本录音并快速浏览文章,然后概括文章的中心大意,旨在培养学生通过略读获取大意的能力以及用自己的语言聚合信息的能力,使他们从整体上来理解这篇文章。Step2:Careful Reading(1)Read the text carefully and do the following exercises.On the Internet page, theres a card on the right, it will be given to you when you_A. buy something in a shopB. ask for it from a poor childrenC. choose from the catalogue a useful gift for some of the worlds poorestD. come to India2. When you want to give an adult a basic education, you must send _A.$50 B. $25 C.$8 D. $853. The purpose of the Internet Page is to _A.let people give an unusual gift to the poorB.let people get an unusual cardC.let people learn something usefulD.let people make money4. You can use the card for the following occasions except _A.anniversaries B. birthdays C. burials D. weddingsStep3:Careful Reading(2)On the Internet page, when you click on each gift, you get a description of that gift. In pairs, write the correct gift (A to U)from the Internet page next to each description below.【设计说明】要求学生结合文章的内容找到问题的答案,主要培养学生来获取文章细节的能力,加深对文章的理解。经过了上面的浅层阅读,了解了文章的大意之后,进入深层次的阅读,培养学生吸收信息及利用信息来分析问题和解决问题的能力。在这个步骤属于精读,需要学生经过仔细的阅读才能找出答案。. Interview and SpeakingSuppose you are a reporter from your school newspaper. You will have a interview with your partner about the following topic: “What gift will you buy to help those poor people in poor areas?” Give at least two reasons for your answers. 【设计说明】这个活动要求学生充分利用课堂所学在情境中合作学习,通过采访的方式表达自己的观点,从而有效锻炼思维能力和语言表达能力。既评价了课堂学习又达到了语言学习的目的,也活跃了课堂气氛,寓教于乐。IV.Enjoy Some sayings about “sharing”Happiness is to share.Happiness is more sharing, and pain is less shared.Share love, share time and share the moment.【设计说明】让学生了解一些分享的名言,拓展知识。V.Homework:Choose a useful gift to send to the poor people and write a card with your reasons and your wishes.【设计说明】作业是课堂教学的巩固与延伸,在对文章理解的基础上,让学生运用所学知识解决实际问题,达到学以致用的教学目标。板书设计 Unit4 SharingVoluntarilyFor freeVolunteersGift CatalogueReduce pressconfident(PPT)
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