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人教版精品英语资料(精校版)课后训练.单项选择1Would you like _?Yes,please.Aan apple milk shakeBa apple milk shakeCapples milk shakeDapple milk shake2How _money do we need?Thirty dollars.Amany B/Cmuch Dabout3You must cut_the bananas before you put _into the blender.Adown;it Bup;themCdown;them Dup;it4How_milk and how_hamburgers do you need?Amuch;much Bmuch;manyCmany;many Dmany;much5Remember to add some sugar_the stewed apples.Ato BonCat Dfor6The place is very popular.Look,there are so many _ here.Avisitor BtravelersCpolicemen Dactors7Would you like some milk?Yes,just_.Aa few BfewCa little Dlittle.根据句意、首字母或汉语提示完成单词1Please p_the apple before you eat it.2First put the orange into the b_.After a while you can drink orange juice.3We looked for the boy here and there,and f_ found him in a shop.4Its wasteful(浪费)to _(倒掉)the clean water.5We almost need_(盐)every meal.6I dont like pure(纯)milk;I like y_.参考答案. 1. 答案:A点拨:考查修饰词。句意为“你想要一份苹果奶昔吗?是的”。apple为元音音素开头,其前的不定冠词应用an,可排除B项;apple作为修饰成分时应用单数形式,可排除C项;此处强调“一份”,故排除D项。 2. 答案:C点拨:考查money为不可数名词。应用how much来提问。 3. 答案:B点拨:考查词义及单复数。句意为“在你把香蕉放入果汁机之前必须把它们切碎”。“切碎”用cut up表示。可排除A、C两项;此处bananas为复数,代词应用them表示。 4. 答案:B点拨:考查修饰词。milk为不可数名词,用much修饰;hamburger为可数名词,用many修饰。 5. 答案:A点拨:考查固定搭配。add.to.意为“把加到上”。 6. 答案:B点拨:根据“这地方很受欢迎”可知“有这么多的游客”。故选B项。A项也是“游客”,但many后接可数名词复数形式;C项意为“警察”;D项意为“演员”。 7. 答案:C点拨:考查不可数名词的修饰词及词义。milk为不可数名词,不能用few 及a few修饰,可排除A、B两项;句意为“你想要些牛奶吗?是的,只要一点”。little意为“几乎没有”,表否定意义,故排除。 . 答案:1.peel2.blender3.finally4.pour5.salt6.yogurt
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