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六、选出划线部分读音不同的一项。(5分)( )1. A. face B. make C. cat ( )2. A. rice B. six C. big( )3. A. dog B. rose C. lot( )4. A. leg B. me C. we( )5. A. fine B. nice C. Pig七、选出与划线单词不同的一项。(10分)( )1.Lets clean the window. A. classroom B. floor C. fridge( )2. Hes a tall boy. A. thin B. cute C. pencil( )3. Pass me the pen. A. cut B. use C. milk( )4.How many apples do you have? A. oranges B. grapes C. birds( )5.My sister is a student. A. teacher B. driver C. father八、小小外交官。(情景交际)( )1.当你想告诉别人你有一个新朋友时,应说: A. I have a new friend. B. I have a book. C. I have a new schoolbag. ( ) 2.当你想知道他是谁时,应说: A. Who is she? B. Who is he? C. Who are you?( )3. 你如何邀请客人随便吃? A. You eat so much. B. Help yourself. C. Youre welcome. ( )4. 你想知道这个人是不是约翰的婶婶,你会说: A. Is this Johns aunt? B. Is this aunt? C. Is he John?( ) 5. 向别人介绍你的堂姐时,你应说: A. This is my sister. B. This is my cousin. C. He is my cousin. 九、我是小法官。(看图,给正确的句子打“”)1.Hes a driver. Hes a teacher.2.This is my father. This is my family.3.My uncle is a cook. My aunt is a cook.4.Im a nurse. Im a student.5.Hes my siser. Hes my baby brother. 十、将下列句子重新排序,组成一段通顺、完整的对话。( )Seven?( )Look!My parents and me.( )But thats only six!( )How many people are there in your family?( )And my little puppy.( )My dad, my mum,my brother,my sister,my baby brother and me.( )My family has seven people.( )Who are they?( )Three.十一、 短文阅读,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。 (10分) A I have a new friend. Her name is Chen Jie. Her family has three people. Her parents are teachers. They are tall and thin. Chen Jie is tall and thin, too. She has big eyes and small ears. She has three storybooks, a Chinese book , a maths book ,some candies, a toy panda and some rulers in her schoolbag. Her bag is so heavy.( ) 1. My new friend is a boy.( ) 2. Chen Jies family has three people.( ) 3. Chen Jie is tall and strong.( ) 4. Chen Jie has big eyes and big ears.( )5. Chen Jie has five book in her schoolbag.
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