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花生施肥技术花生的施肥原则为有机肥料和无机肥料配合施用。施肥技术(3张)在我国,栽培花生的土壤多为山丘砂砾土、平原冲积沙土和南方红黄壤,这些土壤结构不良,应施用有机肥料以活化土壤, 改良结构,培肥地力,再结合施用化学肥料以及时补充土壤养分。有机肥料含多种营养元素,特别是微量营养元素的重要来源,肥效持久。有机肥施入土壤后,经微 生物分解可源源不断地释放各种养分供花生吸收利用,还能不断地释放出二氧化碳,改善花生的光合作用环境。有机肥料在土壤中形成的腐植质具有多种较强的缓冲能力。有机肥料分解产生的各种有机酸和无机酸可促进土壤中难溶性磷酸盐的转化,提高磷的有效性。有机肥料是土壤微生物的主要碳素能源,能促进微生物的 活动,特别有利于根瘤菌的增殖,增加其活力,增加花生的氮素供应。有机肥料的作用是化学肥料不能代替的,介是有机肥料所含养分大多是有机态,养分含量低, 肥效迟缓,肥料中的养分当季利用率低,在花生生长发育盛期不能及时满足养分需求,而化学肥料所具有养分含量高、肥效快等特点,则可弥补有机肥料的不足。为 了保证花生的优质高产,提高施肥效益,应以有机肥料和无机肥料配合施用,两者取长补短,缓急相济,充分发挥肥料的增产潜力。此外,还要注意大量元素与中、 微量元素的平衡施用。花生施肥应以有机肥料为主、化学肥料为辅,基肥为主、追肥为辅,追肥以苗肥为主、花肥和壮果肥为辅,氮、磷、钾、钙配合施用的基本原则。1.基肥 花生基肥施用量一般应占施肥总量的70%,以腐熟的有机质肥料为主,配合适量复合肥料。亩施有机肥15002000千克、花生专用肥3050千克,结合播前整地,均匀撒施,耙匀后起畦播种。2.追肥苗期:35叶期施用速效性氮肥,对促进分枝早发壮旺和增加花、荚数等方面有良好的效果。一般每亩施专用肥46千克、尿素56千克或人畜粪水15002000千克。开花、结荚期:始花后对养分吸收激增,但根瘤菌也开始源源不断地供应花生氮素营养,如追施氮肥过量,易引起后期茎叶 徒长和倒苗。因此,开花以后一般不追施氮肥,而主要是抓住花生始花期结合最后一次中耕除草施用复合肥和钙肥。一般每亩施用花生专用肥10千克、石灰 1020千克。果荚充实期:此期对磷的需要量增加,可采取根外喷磷的方法,用农海牌氨基酸叶面肥和0.3%的磷酸二氢钾喷雾,710天喷一次,连续喷23次。3.根外追肥 花生叶片吸磷能力较强,而且很快就能运转到荚果内,促进荚果充实饱满。因此,在生育中后期叶面喷施农海牌氨基酸叶面肥,也可在以下肥液中加入农海牌氨基酸 叶面肥混全后喷施:2%3%的过磷酸钙水溶液,每隔710天喷一次,边喷23次,可增产荚果7%10%;如果花生长势偏弱,每亩还可添加尿素 20253千克,混合喷施。叶面喷施钾、钼、硼、铁等肥,均有一定的增产效果。钾肥可采用5%10%的草木灰浸出液或2%硫酸钾、氯化钾的水溶液,每 次每亩喷液60千克。花生结荚期可用02.0.4%的磷酸二氢钾喷施,最好连喷3次,每次间隔7天。Principle of peanut fertilization combined application of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer.Fertilization technology (3)In our country, the soil of cultivated peanut hill gravel soil plains of alluvial sand and Southern red and yellow soil, these poor soil structure, application of organic fertilizer to activate the soil, improved structure, soil fertility, combined with the use of chemical fertilizers as well as supplement soil nutrients. Organic fertilizers contain a variety of nutrients, especially important source of micronutrients, lasting fertilizer. Organic fertilizer into the soil, the microbial decomposition can continuously release nutrient absorption and utilization for peanuts, but also to continue to release carbon dioxide, www.uevip.com,improve peanuts photosynthesis environment. Organic fertilizer in the soil to form humus has a strong buffering capacity. Organic fertilizer generated by the decomposition of the various organic and inorganic acids can promote the conversion of the sparingly soluble phosphate in the soil, to improve the effectiveness of the phosphorus. Organic fertilizer soil microbial carbon energy, and can promote microbial activity, particularly conducive to the proliferation of rhizobia to increase its vitality, increased nitrogen supply of peanuts. Organic fertilizer is not a substitute for chemical fertilizers, mediated organic fertilizers contain nutrients in most organic state, low nutrient content, fertilizer slow, low utilization rate of fertilizer nutrients season can not meet the nutrient, growth and development of the peanut peak demand for chemical fertilizers with high nutrient content and fertilizer fast, you can make up for the lack of organic fertilizers. www.wfzyc.com,Improve fertilization efficiency in order to ensure a high yield and quality of peanuts, organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer combined application of both learn from each other, the urgency with mercy, give full play to the yield potential of fertilizer. Also, note that a large number of elements in balanced application of trace elements.Peanut fertilization should be based, organic fertilizers, supplemented by chemical fertilizers and basal dressing supplemented the dressing to Miaofei, fertilizers and strong fruit fertilizer supplemented with the application of the basic principles, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium. The basic fertilizer peanut basal fertilizer amount attributable to the 70% of the total fertilization, mainly to the decomposition of organic matter, fertilizers, with the right amount of compound fertilizer. Acres of organic fertilizer from 1500 to 2000 kg peanut special fertilizer of 30 to 50 kg, and combined before sowing soil preparation, uniform applicator newcomer furrow sowing, rake uniform.2 dressingSeedling stage: 3-5 leaf stage application of rapid-acting nitrogen fertilizer to promote branching early-onset natural increase of flowers, pods per good results. General specialty fertilizer applied per acre 4 to 6 kg, 5 to 6 kg of urea or Ren Chufen water from 1500 to 2000 kg.Flowering, podding stage: after flowering nutrient absorption surge rhizobia also began endless supply of peanut nitrogen nutrition, such as topdressing nitrogen fertilizer overdose, easy to cause the of late stems and leaves leggy and pour seedlings. Therefore, after the flowering is generally not Effects of nitrogen fertilizer, but mainly to seize the peanut beginning of flowering combined with the last application of fertilizer and calcium fertilizer cultivation, weed. General acre application of 10 kg of peanut specialty fertilizer, lime 10 to 20 kg.Fruit pod filling stage: this period of increased pho
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