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课题:7上 Unit 1教案Unit1 This is me Wele to the unit教学目标1. 认识两个卡通角色和中学的六名学生。2. 用英语和别人打招呼。3. 用英语介绍自己。教学容四会容:词汇:oh 词组:good morning, good afternoon, good evening句型:Im Whats your name? My name is Nice to meet you too.三会容:词汇:e-dog master教学步骤Step 1 Self-introduction and greetingsT:Good morning, boys and girls.Im your new English teacher.My name is ,You can call me Miss .Ss:Good morning, Miss .T:I like making friends.And I like animals too.Step 2 Free talkT:Do you like making friends ?Ss:Yes.T:Do you want to make friends with me?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Whats your name?S: My name is走进学生中,多问几个学生Whats your name?及下面的问题:Do you like English?Do you like animals?What animals do you have?Do you have a dog?与学生互动,拉近师生间的距离。Step 3 PresentationT: I have a dog. Its very lovely. Look,the dog is mine.Im the master of the dog. Read after me,master,master.(板书master) Can you guess? Whats the meaning of”Master”?(Yes.)Master means “主人”.(走进学生中,拿起他们的书,钢笔等,练习master)T: I need to give it food to eat,and I need to clean its house.I have to look after it every day.Read after me,look after,look after.(板书look after) Can you guess? Whats the meaning of”look after”?(Yes.)look after means “照顾”. for example, She has a cat, he is the cats master. He must look after his cat.T:Today, I am very happy. Do you know why? Because I make many friends. I have many good friends. Today, I invite two of them to our class. Please, Eddie and Hobo.Can you guess who they are? They are two dogs. This is Eddie. That is Hobo. Are they funny? (Yes.) Hobo isnt a real dog, it is an e-dog. Read after me. e-dog-e-dog.If Eddie is Hobos master. He has to look after Hobo. (和学生共同给出句子,突出master和look after)T: What happens when Eddie meets Hobo?Watch the pictures and answer the questions:Is this Eddies first time to see Hobo?Is Eddie very happy? Why?What do they say to each other?Can you guess?Is Eddie still happy at last?Why? (Show the pictures of the ic strip with covering the sentences,ask the questions and students answer them one by one.)Step 4 PracticeT: You are very clever. I love you. Now lets open books at Page 6. Please read the conversation after the recording.T: Work in pairs. Please act out the conversation, one is Eddie, the other is Hobo.(Work in pairs.)T: I would like some pairs to act for the class. Are you ready? Who can try? Volunteer, please.( 2-3 pairs act out the conversation)T: Well done. Now please close your books. Lets act out the dialogue. Boys act Eddie and girls act Hobo. Read again. One, two, start.Step 5Presentation T: Would you like to know more friends? (Yes.)(Show the picture of six students. Teach the names:Amy,Simon, Millie, Kitty, Sandy,Daniel.)T: Do you know how they introduce themselves to each other when they are the first to meet each other? Please turn to Page 7 and read their conversations in Part A by yourself.(Ss read on their own.)Work in pairs. Please act out their conversations.(Ss act)(e to someone, say to him/her, Good morning, Im Miss . Whats your name? Lead him/her to say, Good morning, Miss . Im )Now, its your turn to say hello to your new classmates. Please make a short conversation with your new partner. (Show the conversation for Ss as a model A: Good morning/Hello/Hi, Im Whats your name, please?B: Good morning/Hello/Hi, my name is /Im )(Ss make a short conversation with their new partners.)Step 6Presentation T: When does Amy meet Simon? (S: In the morning.) Yes, in the morning. How do you know? (S: She says “Good morning” to Simon.) Yes! She says “Good morning” to Simon. You are so clever. people use different greetings at different times. (板书 “greetings”)Lets look at the clock.(Show a clock with different times one by one.)Whats the time? (07:15/14:45/18:00) If you meet your teacher at this time, what should you say to him/her?(S: Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening).边重复边逐个板书(Tell Ss, “When we meet in the evening, we can say good evening to each other. When we say good-bye or want to go to sleep at night, we can say good night to each other. Good evening means 晚上好 and good night means 晚安 in Chinese.)Step 7Practice1. Millie wants to make friends with Sandy. She is talking with Sandy now. Please read their conversation and act out. 2. Millie and Sandy are friends now. Do you want to make friends with your new classmates? Use this conversation as an example, try to make a new friend today. A: Good morning/afternoon/Hello, Im Whats your name, please?B: Good morning/afternoon/Hello, my name is /Im .Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you too.(Ss make a new conversation in pairs and act out their conversations.)Step 8 SummaryDo you know how we introduce ourselves when we are the first to meet our new friends? (结合板书容和学生一起回顾本课所学容)Step 9 AdviceWell done, class. Now Im much happier. Why?
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