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迷失第一季第一集对白:Somebody help me out!Oh,my god!Stay away from the gas!Stay there!Somebody help 有没有人救救我 天啊 离汽油远点 呆在那 有没有人救救me!My leg!Hey,you!Give me a hand!You!Come on!Come over here!Give me a hand!On the 我!我的腿! 大家快来 来帮帮我 帮帮我 我数三count of 3!1,2,3 help!Please help me!Help me!Help me!All right,get him out of 下 救命 好了,把他带走,here!Get him away from the engine!Get him out of here!I am having contractions. 离引擎远点 把他带离这 我出现痉挛了How many months pregnant are you?I am eight months. And how far apart are they 你怀孕多久了 8个月 痉挛间隔多久一次coming?I donot know. I think it just happened. Hey. Hey. Hey. Get away. Listen 不知道 说不准 离开那 听to me. Look at me. You are gonna be okay,do you understand me?But you have to sit 我说 看着我 你会没事的 知道吗 但你要一动不动的absolutely still. Hey,you. Come here. I need you to get this woman away from these 坐着 嘿 你 过来 我要i带这夫人离开这里fumes. Take her over there. Stay with her. If her contractions occur any closer 把她带到那 别离开她 如果她两次痉挛间隔3分钟以内就召唤我than three minutes apart,call out for me. Oh,you got to be kidding me. I will be 别开玩笑了 我一会就right back,okay?Thank you. Hey,what is your name?!Jack!Stop!Her head isnot tilted 回来 谢谢 嘿 你叫什么 停下来 她的头倾斜得不够far back enough. You are blowing air into her stomach. Are you sure?That is exactly 你在向她的肚子里吹气 真的 我就是那样做的what i was doing. I am a lifeguard. I am licensed. Yeah,well,you need to seriously 我是个救生员 我有执照的 好吧 你要仔细考虑一下是think about giving that license back. Maybe er should do one of those hole things. 否要退回那个执照 也许我们可以用那个插孔的方法You know,stick that pen in the throat. Yeah,good idea. You go get me a pen. Does 把笔插到她的喉咙里 好主意 帮我找只笔 anyone have any pens?Do you have a pen?Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Big 有人有笔吗 你有笔吗 快点deep breaths. Big breaths. Move. Move. Move. Get her out of there. The wing. Are 深呼吸 快走 带她离开那 机翼you okay?Yeah. You?Stay with her. Dude,i amnot going anywhere. I donot know which 你没事吧 没事 你呢 别离开她 我哪也不去 不知哪支最好用one worked best. They are all good. Thanks. Excuse me. Did you ever use a 都不错 谢谢 抱歉 你用过针吗needle?What?Did you ever patch a pair of jeans?I made the drapes in my apartment. 什么 你缝补过牛仔裤吗 我家的窗帘是我缝的That is fantastic. Listen,do you have a second?I could use a little help here. 太好了 你有时间吗 我想要你帮个忙Help with what?With this. Look,i would do it myself. I am a doctor,but i just cannot 帮什么忙 这个 我本来可以自己缝合的 但我够不着reach. . . You want me to sew that up?It would be just like the drapes. . . No,with 你想让我缝合它 这就像缝窗帘一样 不一样the drapes,it was a sewing machine. No,you can do this. I am telling you. If you 缝窗帘时 我用的是缝纫机 我告诉你 你能做到的 如果wouldnot mind. Of course i will. Thank you. It is for your hands. Save me some. 你不介意的话 让我来吧 谢谢 是用来洗手的 给我留点For the. . . For the wound. Any color preference?No,standard black. Hey,you. What 好浇在伤口上 对颜色有要求吗 不用了 标准的黑线is your name?Me?Charlie. Charlie. We need help with the fire. No one will see it 你叫什么名字 我们需要你帮忙生火 火势不大的话if it isnot big. Okay,i am on it. What is your name?Sayid. Sayid,i am on it,sayid. 没人会看见的 好的 我来吧 交给我吧 I might throw up on you. You are doing fine. You donot seem afraid at all. I donot 我可能会呕在你身上的 你做的很好 你看起来一点也不恐惧 understand that. Well,fear is sort of an odd thing. When i was in residency,my 我不理解 好吧 恐惧是种奇怪的东西 当我在医院实习的时候fitst solo procedure was a spinal surgery on a 16 year old kid. A girl. And at 我接的第一个任务就是给一个16岁的孩子做脊髓手术 最后the end,after 13 hours,i was closing her up,and i. . . I accidentally ripped her 13小时之后 当我给她缝合的时候 我 我不小心撕裂了她的硬脊膜dural sac. Shredded the base of the spine where all the nerves come together. 囊 把所有神经汇聚的底部脊髓搞碎了 Membrane,stenos tissue. So it ripped open. Nerves just spilled out of her like 里面还有隔膜 组织 被撕裂开了 神经就像意大利面一样散了出来 angel hair pasta. Spinal fluid flowing out of her,and i. . . And the terror was 脊髓液流了出来 我的。那种恐惧真是太just so. . . Crazy. So real. And i knew i had to deal with it. So i just made a 可怕了 太真实了 而我清楚 我要处理好 所以我做了个choice. I would let the fear in. Let it take over. Let it do its thing. But on
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