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一、单项选择(15分)( )21.If I_ you, Id take a small present with some nice words on it. A. was B. were C. am D. be( )22.I found Tom easy to get along_. A. to B .for C. with D. about ( )23.This book_ to Mary.A. belong B.belongs C.is belonged D.is belonging ( )24.All the children like the teachers_can understand them. A. which B.who C.what D.whom ( )25 prefer_ my homework rather than_such a boring film.A. do; see B.doing; seeing C.to do; to see D.to do; see( )26.Have you decided _ Shanghai? A. to visit B. visit C. visiting D. to visit to ( )27.They were _ when they heard the _ news. A. excited, exciting B. exciting, excited C. excited, excited D. exciting, exciting( )28.Tony could help _ the city parks. A. clean B. clean up C. clean out D. cleans up.( )29. Now I spend time _ what I love to do. A. to do B. doing C. do D. did( )30. Not only he but also you _ English. A. liking B. to like C. like D. likes二、完形填空。(15分)Last week everyone _31_to cheer up Jimmy the Bike Boy. But this week, Jimmy is happy again. _3_2_ Monday he told a radio interviewer that he _3_3_ to buy old bikes. He also put up signs _3_4_ old bikes and called up all his friends and _3_5_ them about the problem. He even _3_6_ advertisements at a local supermarket. Then he told the teachers at school about his problem _3_7_ they set up a call-in center for parents. The strategies that he came up with _3_8_ fine. He now has sixteen bikes _3_9_ and give away to children _40_ dont have bikes.( )3 1. A. wantsB. was tryingC. hopesD. is hoping( ) 32. A. On B. InC. NextD. At( )3 3. A. has used upB. has gotC. lentD. had run out of( ) 34. A. asking about B. sellingC. buyingD. asking for( )3 5. A. telling B. saidC. askedD. told( ) 36. A. handed outB. handed inC. gives awayD. giving out( )3 7. A. whenB. whileC. becauseD. and( )3 8. A. working outB. wasC. worked outD. is( )3 9. A. fixing upB. to fix upC. to buyD. to sell( )40. A. which B. whoseC. whoD. when 阅读理解。(共15小题,计20分)根据下面一篇短文的内容判断下列句子正(A)误(B)。(共5小题,计5分) AHundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today. People didnt have modern machines. There was no modern medicine, either. Life today has brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution. Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty. It kills our fish and polluted our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us talk louder and become angry more easily. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution. Its bad to all living things in the world. Cars, planes and factories all pollute our air every day. Sometimes the polluted air is so thick that it is like a quilt over a city. This kind of quilt is called smog. Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. Factories must now clean their water before it is thrown away, they mustnt blow dirty smoke into the air. We need to do many other things. We can put waste things in the dustbin and not throw it on the ground. We can go to work by bus or with our friends in the same car. If there are fewer people driving, there will be less pollution. Rules are not enough. Every person must help to fight against pollution. () 41. Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today only because there was no modern medicine. ()42 The biggest problem in todays life is pollution. () 43. The most serious kind of pollution is water pollution.() 44Factories must clean their water before it is thrown away. () 45. From the passage we know that people are making rules in order to fight pollution.BExperts(专家)say that students usually need eight to ten hours sleep at night , but more Chinese students do not get enough sleep. Some Chinese parents are usually glad to see their children studying late. They will think their children work very hard. But not all parents are happy about this. Once a mother told us that every morning her 10-year-old boy put up one finger with his eyes still closed, begging(央求) for one more minute to sleep . Like thousands of student “early birds” in China, he has to get up before six every morning. A report shows that without a good nights sleep, students seem to be weaker than they should be. Many students have fallen asleep during class at one time or another. Too much homework is not the only reason why students stay up late. Some watch TV or play the computer games late into the night. Experts have ever said that students should develop good study habits. So some clever students never study late, they are able to
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