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Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1I am so happy Section A. Material analysis本节课为话题的第一节课,建议用1课时上完。主要活动为1a和3。本课通过Jane 询问Kangkang兴致勃勃的原因,引出对话的主题:描述情绪与表达情感。对话表现了本课所要学的语法重点:linking verb + adjective, 并表现了新出现的短语:invite sb. to do sth., 复习了已学过的重点短语prepare sth. for sb., say thanks/ goodbye /hello/sorry to sb. 和a ticket to 的用法,同时在对话中表现了交际功能用语:How are you doing?Very well,thank you.Guess what! 和What a pity! 协助学生学会如何表达和描述情绪。 通过Kangkang的父母邀请Jane, Maria 和 Michael的父母去看电影The Sound of Music, 把小伙伴们留在家里小聚,以及r. Brown没有买到The Sound of Music的票引出描述情绪的相关词汇和表达。要求学生在学会课本语言知识的同时,培养他们的互助互爱的精神,在能够准确处理个人情绪的同时协助他人排解不良的情绪。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 学生能准确拼读并使用以下词汇:(1)单词表中的黑体单词invite(2)连系动词:be,look, feel, taste, smell和sound(3)描述情绪的形容词:excited, happy和disappointed2. 学生能准确使用以下短语造句:invite sb. to do sth.prepare sth. for sb.say thanks/ goodbye /hello/sorry to sb.a ticket to 3. 学生能自如地使用以下功能句实行交流:How are you doing?Very well,thank you.Guess what!What a pity!Skill aims:1. 能听懂相关情绪的询问与表达的简单对话和陈述。2. 能准确地使用本课的交际功能用语问候或表达情绪。3. 能准确朗读课本的相关情绪描述的文本材料及难度相当的材料。4. 能准确地使用本课连系动词加形容词作表语的语法结构,以及交际功能语言写出简单的问候和询问情绪的对话。Emotional aims:通过对Section A的学习,学生能够在学会描述和表达自己情绪的同时,学会控制不利于自身的消极情绪,并且能够学会注重他人的情绪,在别人情绪低落时主动协助排解不良的情绪,互助互爱。. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:学生在交流中能自如地使用系表结构和以下短语:invite sb. to do sth. prepare sth. for sb.say thanks/ goodbye /hello/sorry to sb.a ticket to Difficult points:1. 学生对功能用语How are you doing?的理解。2. 描述他人情绪时连系动词准确形式的使用。. Learning strategies通过听力训练,鼓励学生通过图片和形容词的感情色彩大胆预测即将听到的内容,对所要完成的题目实行初步的判断。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector, the flash of the song,Do Re Mi. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(8 minutes)1. Thewholeclass work.2. Thewholeclass work.3. The wholeclass work.4. Pairwork.1. Focus their attentionon the teacher.2. Students describe theirown feelings: Yes, we are very happy.3. Students observe thepicture and answer the question: Yes, they do.4. Students ask and answeraccording to the given pictures, words and the example on the screen.Picture 2:-How does the food taste?-It tastes delicious.Picture 3:-How do they look?-They look happy.Picture 4:-How does the song sound?-It sounds wonderful.Picture 5:-How do they feel?-They feel excited.1. Greet the students and get them ready for learning. The teacher playsthe flash of the song, Do Re Mi.2.The teacher asks the studentsif they are happy to see each other after the winter holiday.3. The teacher shows the thirdpicture of 2 on the screen: Dothey lookhappy?4. Show all the pictures, wordsand the example of 2 on the screen one by one. Let the students ask and answer in pairs accordingto the example. Let the students pay more attention to the form of the verbs. Finish 2.(The teachercan divide the students into four groups. Then tell the students that theycan get onepoint or two points or three pointswhen they answer the questions or makeconversations correctly. The beststudents can get 1 point once, and the normal students can get more pointswhen they answer the same question or make up similarconversations. )Presentation(10minutes)1. The wholeclass work.2. The wholeclass work.3. The wholeclass work.4. The wholeclass work.5.The wholeclass work.6. The wholeclass work.7. The wholeclass work.1. Observe the picture of1a and answer thequestion.2. Students make sure theyunderstand what the statements mean.3. Students try to find out the words expressing feelingsand have theirown answerswithout watching the flash. 4. Students catch the generalidea of the dialogue and match the three partsto make correct sentences.5. Studentswatch the flashfor the second time, paying attention to the pauses.6.Volunteers read theanswers. Check the answersandcorrect the wrong parts.7. Think about the reason:Because Kangkangsparents want to invite his friends parents to go to the movies, and they can spend the evening at Kangkangs house and enjoy some delicious food there.1.Ask the students toobserve the picture of 1aand answer the question:Do Kangkang,Jane, Mariaand Michaellook excited?Lead to the learning of the conversation.2. The teacher asks thestudents to read thestatements in 1b.3. The teacher asks thestudents to read the parts firstly andthengivea judgment.4. The teacher plays theflash of 1afor the firsttime without stopping.Letthestudents listento andmatch the threeparts of1b.5. The teacher plays 1a forthe second time, stopping when necessary.6. Asktwo students to tellanswers to 1b.7.Let the studentsthink aboutwhy Kangkang,Jane,Mariaand Michael look so excited.
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